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It was three months after the accident, Max's life changed in a way she never imagined it would. It wasn't even a bad change, despite being bound to a wheelchair.

"Max honey you can sit in front of that window all you want. It ain't going to bring him here faster." Susan told her daughter while drying a plate.

"I know, I just want to look outside." Max sighed and looked out, watching the cars slowly go by. "Mom, can Lukas sleep over tonight?"

"Don't he work tomorrow too?" Susan tilted her head.

"No, he doesn't."

"That boy is always here helping us Max, let him take a break tomorrow." Susan sighed and walked back to the kitchen.

Max leaned back and closed her eyes with a sigh. She drifted off for 15 minutes. Then woke quickly when she heard the door open.

"I'm home!" Lukas said meaningfully and walked into the kitchen. "Susan, how are you?"

Susan turned around from the sink and smiled tiredly. "Hey honey, I'm alright. Max is in the living room, are those flowers for her? Awe."

Lukas was holding two roses. A red and a pink. "Actually, this one is for you." Lukas held out the pink rose.

Susan stared at him, a slight pink tint to her face. She would never get used to Lukas' sweet nature. "Darling, I can't-"

"Take it." Lukas put the rose in the yellow vase on the table.

Max wheeled herself into the kitchen. "What's taking so long?! Stop talking to my mom!"

Lukas chuckled and kneeled in front of Max. "I brought you a rose, beautiful and red just like you."

Max took the flower and smiled softly. "Thanks was your day?"

"Long, boring..." Lukas shrugged. "How was your day?"

"Long...and boring." Max sighed.

"Max made a fine mess today." Susan started telling a story. "she told me 'I can do it myself!' today when I tried to wash her. She had water everywhere!"

"Mom!" Max pouted.

"Oh what? He knows everything anyway, Maxine." Susan rolled her eyes and smiled.

Lukas laughed and stood up. "Yeah, she's pretty stubborn." He rubbed Max's shoulders tenderly.

"Mn, ouch!" Max hissed.

"Still hurts?" Lukas frowned.

"I don't think there's a part of my body that doesn't hurt. Everything feels so stiff." Max whined.

Lukas continued to gently massage her shoulders. It was supposed to help loosen her muscles. It usually helped ease the stiffness. "Sorry...You look great tonight by the way, Susan." He always made sure to slip in some compliments for Max's mom. He wanted them both to thrive together.

Susan shook her head and giggled. "Max, you better never get rid of him."

"Don't plan on it!" Max groaned as Lukas massaged her. "That hurts..."

"Want me to stop?" Lukas asked.

"No, it's worth being able to sort of move my neck and shoulders." Max looked up at Lukas slightly, hissing in pain. She didn't say anything else, she just gave Lukas a look.

Miracle {Hysterical Sequel} COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now