Physical Bullying

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TW// mentions of self harm, bullying.

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Max woke up from her nap and looked beside herself. Lukas was still asleep, the pillow still between them. It was a precaution for if Steve came to check on them. Max yawned and stretched the most she could without hurting herself. She wanted to wake Lukas, but knew he needed the rest. So instead of waking him now, she twisted her body and rubbed his back lovingly. Watching him sleep peacefully made her heart flutter. He was so adorable in her eyes.

After a few minutes of rubbing his back, Max noticed something. Peeking out from underneath his 3/4 sleeves, discoloration. Curiosity got the best of her and she pulled his sleeve back. Max saw that Lukas had a small patch of scars along his forearm. She analysed them before shaking Lukas awake.

Lukas woke slowly, rubbing his eyes. "Mn, what?"

"What happened to your arm?" Max asked quietly, still holding his wrist in her hand.

"What?" Lukas looked down and saw what she was talking about. "Oh, that." Lukas yanked his sleeve back down. "I fell, cut my arm to hell on some rocks."

Max glared at him, but kept her lips sealed about the scars for now. "Can you put me in my wheelchair?"

"Sure darling!" Lukas got up quickly and switched her over to her wheelchair. He thought he had her convinced.

Max wheeled herself to the kitchen. Susan was sitting at the table, seemingly alone. "Hey mom, did everyone leave?"

"Yeah, Steve said he'd be back. The girls had to work." Susan explained and gripped her empty coffee cup.

Lukas came out behind Max and noticed Susan holding an empty cup. "Do you want me to get you a cup of coffee?"

"What? Oh uh..." Susan shrugged.

Lukas took the cup from her gently and started brewing the coffee. "It's a miracle you sleep at night."

Susan nodded and tapped her fingernails against the table. "You alright, Maxine?"

"Yeah..." Max parked herself next to her mom and leaned in. "Mom, Lukas has some scars I think you should see."

"Why? I ain't a doctor." Susan sighed and looked over at Lukas. When he handed her a cup of fresh coffee, she grabbed his arm. "Come here Lukas, what's Maxine talking about?"

"I have no idea..." Lukas pulled his arm back.

"You know, when you fell." Max repeated his lie.

"Oh..." Lukas felt backed into a corner so he rolled his sleeve up. "I cut myself on some rocks a few days ago, that's it."

Susan took a look and her motherly instincts kicked in. "That doesn't really look like it came from rocks..." She knew what she was talking about. Max had come home a lot with wounds from rocks, skateboarding accidents.

"It did, you worry too much." Lukas pulled his sleeve down.

"Well alright, if you say so." Susan let the subject go, because she was already exhausted.

"Fine..." Max huffed.


The next morning Steve showed up at the house. He knocked a couple times before letting himself in to check on the Mayfields. He was happy to see Susan up and drinking her coffee. "Good morning, how are you feeling today?"

"I'm not sure...I ain't got much to do but sulk." Susan stirred her coffee and sighed.

"It'll get better." Steve insisted. "Is Max okay?"

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