Mom's New Lover

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Another chapter done while I'm sick and borderline hallucinating. I've been doing nothing but writing, watching The Golden Girls, and crying from throat pain. Again, hope this chapter is alright! I probably won't remember writing it when I'm better, but boy this is the only thing keeping me sane. 🤧

Lukas was able to return to the house, but he knocked this time. Susan walked to the door and opened up. "Oh...hello."

"Hey, I just came to apologize...For last night, and I know you're upset that I spent the night without asking." Lukas apologized, he didn't want to have drama with Max's mother.

"Oh that's alright honey, I was being irrational. I know you'd never do anything wrong." Susan took Lukas' hand and pulled him inside the house. "I'm sorry for my actions, can you stay at all?"

"Maybe for a little..." Lukas nodded. "You didn't get mad at Max, did you?"

"Oh not really, she was more mad at me." Susan explained and took a seat at the kitchen table.

"Right..." Lukas sat with her. "I love you and Max, that's why I need to be a little straightforward. How long have you been seeing this man?"

Susan stood up and started brewing a fresh batch of coffee. She didn't have alcohol to calm her nerves anymore. Coffee was the next best thing. "Haven't been seeing no man for no time."

"We caught you Susan, just confess. Max needs to meet him. I want to meet him too, make sure he's not dangerous." Lukas took a firm tone, hoping to convince Susan.

"Darlin' I can't let her meet a man that don't exist." Susan poured herself another cup of coffee and sat down.

"Susan-" Lukas pouted.

"I know you're young, but you are quite dense." Susan teased and smiled finally. Trying to get rid of the tense atmosphere.

"I'm not stupid, I just don't see why you're still trying to hide it." Lukas crossed his arms on the table.

Susan sipped her coffee long and slowly before putting the cup down. "Kelly is coming over tonight."

"Who's Kelly, what does she have to do with anything?!" Lukas unfolded his arms. "Wait..."

Susan rolled her eyes and snatched the cup back up. "I know, I was surprised too."

"Huh..." Lukas stood up from the table. "How long have you been seeing her?"

"Oh well we've been friends off and on for years." Susan admitted and shifted in her seat anxiously. "It's quite a new thing."

"Okay... Sorry, this is just a bit..." Lukas  paced around the kitchen. "We love you." Lukas said simply and gave Susan a hug. "But I still need to meet her."

"Understood, join us for dinner tonight." Susan offered.

Lukas smiled and pulled away from the hug. "I'm so proud of you Susan, I hope everything works out."

"Thank you honey. Maybe you could go and talk to Max. She seemed a little...shocked." Susan frowned.

"I'll talk to her." Lukas got up and went to Max's room to check on her. He made sure to knock before entering. "Hey darling, everything okay?"

Max was laying on her bed, hugging a teddy bear Lukas had got her for a past birthday. "I can honestly say I don't know."

Lukas frowned and shut the door. "You scared you won't like Kelly?"

"I'm just... confused. If my mom liked women too, why'd I have to go through Neil's hell?" Max huffed and put the teddy bear aside. "I feel scammed."

Lukas chuckled and sat on the bed with her. "Things were different when our parents were younger. It takes them longer to discover themselves like that."

"I guess..." Max started chewing on her nails nervously. "It's just unexpected...She never told me a thing about it."

"Different times, Max. When she was little being gay was probably still a crime." Lukas joked subtlety about Susan's age. "She's probably shocked too. Now, I have to get to my shift. I'll be back tonight for dinner though."

Max grabbed Lukas by the hand. "You aren't going anywhere until you kiss me again."

Lukas grinned and crawled closer to her. He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. That's not what she wanted, but Lukas had places to be. "I guess you enjoyed last night?"

"I've only seen kissing like that in the movies, of course I enjoyed it." Max teased and looked into his eyes. "I feel so safe with you, you're a miracle."

Lukas caressed her cheek fondly. "You're my miracle, and I enjoyed kissing you like that too. I'll see you tonight. I love you."


Susan kept looking out the window, waiting for her date to show up. "She should be here any minute, is Lukas on his way?" As soon as she finished her sentence, she saw Lukas' car pull up. "Nevermind, the sweetheart arrives." Susan stood by the door and opened it when she heard Lukas coming up the steps. "Hello hon- oh my god!"

Max shifted to the edge of her wheelchair. "Mom, what's wrong?!"

Susan led Lukas into the house. "Lukas, what on earth happened to you?"

Max watched them walk into the house. She noticed pretty quick that Lukas had a black eye. "Lukas, what happened?!"

"I got into a little fight, don't worry." Lukas tried to brush it off.

"With who? I'll rip their face off!" Max growled defensively.

Lukas walked over to Max and kissed the top of her head. "It's not important, I handled it."

"Who did it?" Max asked again, not a hint of amusement on her face.

"Me and Jason got into a little fight over basketball, we were really just playing around." Lukas tried to make it sound innocent.

"Jason Carver? I'll tear that asshole in half." Max hissed and grabbed Lukas' shirt, pulling him down so she could get a better look.

"Take it easy Max, boys do have a thing for playing rough." Susan sighed and took a seat at the table. "You be careful next time Lukas, take a seat."

Lukas pulled away from Max and sat at the table. "I'll be more careful, no one has to worry about me."

Max was giving Lukas a pretty intense glare. "You've been playing basketball with Jason and his friends for awhile now. This is the first time you come back bruised, what the hell happened?"

"Max! Relax, we're about to have an important guest." Susan scolded.

Lukas took Max's hand and kissed it. "sorry if I'm worrying you, it was really just a childish fight."

Max was about to tell Lukas off when the door opened. She quickly shut up and looked at the door, anxious to see her mom's love interest. Instead her stepbrother walked through the door, bringing a strong alcoholic fragrance.

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