Why Am I Okay?

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TW// Mentions of sexual assault, suicide, abuse.

Hopper expected things to be intense, so he brought backup. However he wasn't quite prepared to see what he did. He and the other officers pulled out their guns so they were equal to Neil. "Lay the gun on the ground, now." One officer ordered. Neil was crazy, but not entirely stupid. He slowly laid down his weapon. "Pull up your pants and step away from the child." Neil fixed his pants and took a couple steps back.

"She consented" was Neil's justification.

"She's a minor and you're in a position of power, it's sexual assault." Hopper stated firmly and pulled out his handcuffs. He wanted to help Max, Lukas, and Susan. But he couldn't until the threat was resolved. "Get against the wall."

Neil complied and stood against the wall. It's like he didn't care about going back to jail. A place like that was probably a fun game of torture for him.

An ambulance arrived on scene and the paramedics were able to take Susan out of the home. Once Neil was secure in the police car, Hopper went back inside to help the kids. "Is she injured?" Hopper asked Lukas as he cradled his girlfriend.

Lukas was crying too much to answer the question. Hopper kneeled beside them and reached out to touch Max's shoulder. He was shocked to say the least when Lukas aggressively stopped him.

"DON'T!" Lukas refused the gesture and continued to cradle Max in his arms.

Hopper put his hand on Lukas' shoulder instead. "Come on kid, I need answers. What happened here?"

"Fuck off..." Lukas growled at Hopper. He's lucky Hopper knew him. Another officer might of used that as an excuse to arrest or shoot him. "She ne-eds space." His voice cracked from the pain.

Hopper sighed and gave the two some space. He walked out of the house to talk to his partner. "Kids inside seem to be unharmed, at least physically. The girl seems to be in shock, and the boy is behaving aggressively."

"Aggressively? Is he a threat?"

Hopper shook his head and pulled a cigarette out of his jacket pocket. "No, Just traumatized. Give the kids some space...I think the freak was trying to rape his stepdaughter again. I have no idea how far he got...I'd rather they let cannibals out than child predators."

"Fucking crazy..." The officer was in disbelief. "Imagine...hurting your kid in that sick way? Even if it's not a biological kid."

Hopper nodded and puffed out some smoke. "Beats his wife, his stepdaughter, pretty sure he used to beat his son. Real fucked up piece of work."

"Are we taking both kids down to the station for a statement?"

Hopper walked back into the house and took one look at them before walking back out. "No, they are nowhere near ready to talk. You go back to the station, I'm going to bring them to the hospital."

"I thought you said they weren't injured?"

Hopper rolled his eyes and scoffed. "They are plenty injured, just not physically. I want to get them psychiatric help to help them process what happened."


"Lukas, it keeps coming loose!" Max complained about her hospital gown. She was the only one that was forced to strip and be admitted overnight. Mostly because she kept muttering that she wanted to kill herself to the psychiatrist.

"Do you want me to fix it?" Lukas offered tiredly. After all that action, he was exhausted. His mom was blowing up his phone and all he told her was, "I'll be late, don't worry."

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