Don't Be Ashamed

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Evening came and Max sat at the window, watching the road happily. She hated not being able to walk, but everything else was so good. At least for now. Realistically life didn't just stop being hard.

Susan entered the living room, trying to tie up her hair while walking. "Max honey, is it okay if Lukas stays with you tonight? I need to go out for an hour or two."

Max expected Susan to want to try out her new car. "Yeah mom, is he available though?"

"Yeah, I called him." Susan had Lukas' number. "He's on his way now, he said he'd bring you McDonald's."

"Oooh!" Max licked her lips and turned her chair. She looked at her mom. "What the hell...why are you wearing that?"

Susan looked at her outfit. "What? Does it make me look fat?"

"What? No mom!" Max knew that outfit, it was the only special clothing Susan owned. Suitable for job interviews, school meetings, casual weddings, dates. "That's your 'going out' outfit."

"Well yes, I'm going out aren't I?" Susan got her hair tied up how she wanted, and put her hands on her hips.

"You don't have a date, right?" Max became anxious thinking about another Neil in her life.

"Don't he ridiculous Max. I just want to look good." Susan walked over and played with Max's hair. "I promise I won't bring another asshole into our lives, darling."

"Okay, good..." Max relaxed and went back to watching the window. "Is it cool if me and Lukas lay in my bed together? I'm tired but I want to talk to him."

"Honey, you know you're not allowed to have boys in your room." Susan used to let anything slide, but she was finally seeing a reason to care.

"You'll be gone anyway though, and I asked." Max mentioned.

"Well you have a point..." Susan realized they could just do anything anyway. "I trust you both, but it still worries me."

"Mom, you know me and Lukas aren't going to do anything. I'm in a wheelchair anyway, what mind of guy do you think Lukas is?" Max wanted her mom to have faith in her.

"I know, I know. Lay with him if you want, but leave the door open so I can check on you when I get back. It'll ease my mind." Susan said and checked the time. Then she rushed to finish getting ready.


Max stretched her arms, laying one across Lukas' face. "I'm so tired."

Lukas rolled his eyes and carefully moved her arm. "Then go to sleep." They were both laying on Max's bed. With Max's injuries the most they could do was talk and hold hands.

"But Lukas, I want to keep talking to you." Max reached over and rested her hand on his.

"Okay, then we can talk." Lukas played with her hand, bending her fingers gently.

"So I've been wondering...what do you plan on doing when you graduate?" Max started a conversation that was difficult to bring up.

"I don't know, I'm not worried about that yet." Lukas could hear the insecurity in her tone. "Whatever happens, I'll always be yours."

"What if you go to college far away?" Max frowned.

"I'll probably take a year off after I graduate...after that, I'm not sure." Lukas was lost when it came to his future. He knew what he enjoyed, but he couldn't decide what he wanted his future to be.

"Okay..." Max relaxed at that. She would have another year before she had to worry. "Maybe we could go to the same college then?"

Lukas smiled at the thought. "Absolutely, that would be perfect. Do you know what you want to do after highschool?"

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