Me, You, The Future!

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TW// sexual humor

I made this while a little distracted, I hope it's okay! I'm finally trying the game ARK. Despite being a Sims/Minecraft kinda person.

Max woke up late the next morning. Lukas wasn't even next to her when she got up. Thankfully her walker was close so she was able to get up on her own. She made her way to the bathroom, it wasn't occupied. After using the bathroom, she hesitantly looked at the steps. She wasn't supposed to attempt them on her own. Regardless, she put whr walker aside and gripped the safety railing. She managed to get down without getting hurt.

Max approached the kitchen, she could hear Lukas talking in there. She wasn't noticed at first, and she didn't go out of her way to make her presence known.

"Mom, I love her. I promise. It's the right thing." Lukas was assuring his mom. It was the weekend but Charles didn't seem to be home.

"I understand, and she's an okay girl but're only young, there could be another girl. I like Max, I do. I just don't know if you should be so committed to her." Sue was still skeptical.

"I thought you wanted me to be happy!" Lukas raised his voice at his mother.

Sue looked hurt, if anything. "I do..." She sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Look, Lukas...I know something you don't."

"Huh?" Lukas tilted his head. "How is that possible? You only just got to know Max."

Sue took a deep breath. "Her mom called me to tell me while you were sick. I was waiting for a better time to bring it up, but since you're about to make a commitment..."

"What?" Lukas was beyond confused.

"Couple months ago, Max took so many pills that she almost overdosed. I do not want you dating anyone abusing drugs." Sue laid the knowledge onto him brutally.

Lukas stared in disbelief. "Max? N-no...she doesn't take drugs and-" Lukas paused. He actually didn't doubt it now that he thought about it. "There has to be a story behind it...Max isn't an addict..."

"Lukas..." Max finally spoke up after hearing all that.

Lukas turned around quickly. "How long have you been standing there?"

Max made her way to Lukas without her walker and hugged him. "Sorry, it's true..."

"WHAT?" Lukas didn't hug back, he was more confused than angry though. "You took drugs, why?! When?! Who gave them to you?!"

Max eyed Sue and then looked back at Lukas. She would of preferred to talk in private. But she wanted Sue to know the truth too. "Will's boyfriend, gave me Codeine. It has a mild sedative effect and it was helping me cope while you were sick...I thought it would help me be a better girlfriend for you during that hard time. Instead just made me terrible, I couldn't even see you."

Lukas took a moment to process that information. "A-and the overdose?"

"I thought I'd be okay, I didn't think I was overdosing..." Max cleared her throat and tried not to get whiny or teary eyed. "I'm so sorry, I wanted to tell you so bad. It was so scary when it happened, but you had your own problems.

"M-max...darling, I love you but...damn...what the heck?" Lukas took a couple steps back. "Give me a couple minutes." He walked off into the living room.

Max started crying and surprising Sue hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry Mrs. Sinclair. I stopped, I just wanted to be better for Lukas. I love your son, I p-promise!"

Sue rubbed Max's back. "Shh, I'm sorry honey. Can you look me in the eyes and tell me you'll never touch drugs again?"

Max nodded and made awkward eye contact with Sue. "Never again, I promise. I don't want to hurt Lukas' feelings...I just wanted to be calm for him."

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