Mayfield Scandal

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I'm still dying with the flu, hopefully this turned out good!

Max was particularly quiet on the drive home. Lukas had to play the radio to avoid things getting too quiet and awkward.

Lukas eventually snapped and had to ask, "You thinking about something?"

"Not really, why?" Max lied and looked at him.

"Nothing, you're just being really quiet. How did things go with Jane?" Lukas wondered. All he was told was that Jane wasn't feeling good.

"It went fine, we just had a talk." Max kept replaying what Jane had told her. She wanted to just ask Lukas about it, but she didn't want to embarrass herself.

"Oh, cool. Me and Will were chatting too." Lukas told her with a smile. "He said I could tell you that he's officially dating Nathan."

"What?!" Max was almost upset that she didn't hear it from Will first. "He could of called or texted at least!"

"He said he's been stressed. He keeps forgetting to tell you." Lukas understood why Max would be upset. "I'm sure he wanted to tell you first."

"Of course, you're straight. He should of told me, I'm...whatever I am." Max huffed and pouted childishly.

"Oh don't be a baby, put your bottom lip back." Lukas teased her.

Max stopped pouting and stuck her tongue out at Lukas. "Don't you dare steal Will from me!"

"What's got you so grouchy this evening? Sounds like someone needs a massage and a nap." Lukas smirked at her playfully.

Max rubbed her stiff neck gently. "you're not wrong. I don't want to bother you though. You've been a servant to me since the accident."

"I believe you would of done the same for me." Lukas insisted. "I'll give you a good massage until you fall asleep."

"Just give me an extra dose of my medicine and I'll pass the hell out."

Lukas rolled his eyes and turned up the radio. "I'm not drugging you up. Relax until we get you home and I'll help you fall asleep."


When they got back to Max's house, Lukas took her wheelchair out out of the back. Then he had to get Max. He opened the car door and took Max's seatbelt off for her like she was helpless.

"I could of done that." Max grumbled.

"Sorry, sorry... Sometimes I can't help it." Lukas leaned on the car door. "Ready to get picked up?"

Max crossed her arms. "I feel like a lazy, incompetent burden."

Lukas put a hand on her shoulder and sighed. "Look at yourself Max, your legs are in casts. What do you want me to do, make you walk inside?"

Max's bottom lip stuck out again as she pouted. "You're going to get tired of me again."

Lukas shook his head and ran his hand down Max's arm, until he grabbed her hand. "Max, I almost lost you. I can't even sleep without texting your mom to make sure you've had your medicine."

Max squeezed Lukas' hand and smiled uncontrollably. "Why are you so sweet? You don't even get anything in return."

"I get to see you and your mom thrive." Lukas put his free hand in Max's hair and kissed the tip of her nose. "You're beautiful. Just looking at you makes me so happy."

Max reached a hand out and rubbed Lukas' cheek lovingly. "I'm going to make it up to you on your birthday."

"Are you?" Lukas kissed her cheek innocently. "Come on, let's get you in your chair." He scooped her up and strategically pulled her out, making sure not to hit her head. When she was in the chair he pushed her to the front steps. "Wait here, I'll call out to your mom." Lukas walked up the steps. Susan couldn't afford to make adjustments for Max. Therefore her and Lukas had to work together to get Max up the steps.

Lukas opened the front door and called out, "SUSAN! WE'RE BACK!" Lukas heard a commotion, and felt the uncomfortable atmosphere of panic.

Susan stumbled out of her room, her robe around her. "What are you doing back?! I told Max to tell me before she came back!"

"She must of forgot..." Lukas didn't need to look at Susan for long before he knew what was going on. He looked back at Max, who was waiting in confusion. Lukas stepped into the house, and shut the door. "What's going on?"

"I just have a friend over, mind your business." Susan looked down defensively and tightened her robe. "I'm an adult, I can do what I want."

"That's right, but I'd rather you didn't hurt Max..." Lukas didn't want to argue, but he didn't want to put Max in danger. "If you have a date here, I'm not leaving Max unsupervised."

"Excuse me?" Susan gasped. "Just what are you implying?"

"Your husband took advantage of her, what makes you think a stranger wouldn't?" Lukas took a harsh tone with Susan. It was out of love, he felt like this could ruin all their progress. "I'll bring Max to her room, then you get rid of who you're seeing." Lukas ordered like he was the adult.

Susan stared at him in disbelief, she was angry but the boy was right. "Fine, but watch your tone with me..." Susan hid the unfamiliar jacket and shoes away, so Max wouldn't know.

Lukas managed to get Max to her room, but she wouldn't stop asking questions. "Lukas, what the hell was that about? Is mom okay?"

"Yes honey, she just wanted to talk to me." Lukas lied while lifting Max into her bed.

"Bullshit, what did she want to say?" Max crossed her arms.

"She just gave me a talk, making sure I took good care of you." Lukas tried to be convincing.

"I don't believe you..." Max frowned and grabbed Lukas' arm. "Please, tell me."

Lukas sat on the bed and leaned down to kiss her on the lips. He figured it was the best way to distract her. "I promise honey, she just wanted to ask me if I treated you well. You know she worries about us..."

Max couldn't help but melt as Lukas kissed her in the dim lighting. "Seriously?"

"Yes, seriously." Lukas pressed his forehead against Max's. He brushed his fingers through her hair lovingly. "Do I have your permission to keep kissing you?"

Max would of got up and jumped into Lukas' arms if she could. All she could do was smile brightly. "Y-yeah..."

Lukas leaned down and kissed Max again, delicately holding her shoulders. For the first time their kissing went to a deeper level.


The next breakfast came around and things were awkward. Lukas left only an hour ago, and Susan's guest had left evidence behind.

"So...are we going to talk young lady?" Susan asked while sipping shamefully on her morning coffee.

"About what? You're the one that lied to me about dating." Max pushed her plate away, not wanting to eat.

"I'm a grown woman, you're only 17 Max." Susan clearly had the wrong idea.

"For the last time, Lukas just wanted to comfort me. You never came to check on me anyway, I guess your date was more important." Max cleared her throat. "Maybe if that loser didn't leave a beer can in the sink, you would of got away with it. I know you, you don't like Bud Light."

Susan put down her mug and rubbed her temples. "Look Max, I'm sorry. Just promise me you never did anything with that boy. I know he's charming, but I don't want you ruining your life."

Max rested her arms on the table tiredly. "We kissed, that's it. He kept pausing to remind me he wasn't going to do anything else. Lukas is a good boyfriend. He stayed all night because he wanted to make sure I was okay."

Susan went silent, feeling bad for throwing accusations around. Especially when she was the one that lied. "I believe you honey, I'm just worried about you."

"But not enough to not bring a strange man into the house..." Max said weakly.

"Max Darlin'..." Susan reached across the table and grabbed Max's hands. "I didn't bring a strange man into the house."

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