The Worst Dread Ever

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The following morning Max woke up next to Lukas. Despite her difficulty getting back to sleep last night, she woke with a soft smile. She always thought waking up next to a boy would be intimidating. Messy hair, morning breath, old pajamas. That sounded like a breeding ground for insecurities. However, Max had only had good experiences sleeping next to Lukas. She trusted him not to hurt her feelings. It felt so comfortable and natural. Plus, Lukas was a quiet sleeper. He hardly ever snored.

"Morning!" Will came down the stairs to check on them. He didn't warn them because he knew they wouldn't be doing anything private.

"Morning..." Max groaned softly. Unfortunately her initial smile didn't mean bad emotions wouldn't take over. She was sitting up, but still in Lukas' arms.

"You guys sleep well?" Will wondered.

Lukas put a hand on Max's cheek and pushed her head closer so he could kiss it. "It was a little rough, Max was having trouble staying asleep."

"Too cold?" Will knew the basement could get colder than Antarctica at night. He had never been to Antarctica, but he assumed it would be similar.

"No actually, Max is like a little furnace. Just pure heat radiates from her. That's why her hair is red, like fire." Lukas joked, trying to get Max to laugh.

Will was the only one that cracked a smile. "Well we're about to have breakfast. You two should come up and have some too."

"We'll be up in a minute, thanks." Max got rid of Will so she could enjoy some more Lukas time. She had a feeling Sue would continue to be skeptical of her. "I think my period is going to start soon." Max whispered.

Lukas looked at her and tilted his head. "Maybe, that might explain the sudden uneasy feeling last night. You usually get anxious on your cycle, right?"

"Yeah, most of the time. This time just feels different...I feel like I'm mourning, in a way?" Max tried to explain without sounding weird.

"Huh?" Lukas tried to understand but couldn't.

Max huffed and tried again. "I feel dreadful, like someone died. I just feel like I'm being dragged down by the worst dread ever...and nothing happened."

Lukas nodded, starting to get it. "Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah?" Max hesitated.

"It's November 22nd."

Max's mouth fell into an 'oh' shape as she realized. "It's Billy's birthday..."

"Yeah, I only remember because my grandpa's birthday is today. The one that passed away. I feel kind of down too." Lukas admitted and stood up from the couch. He got Max's walker and unfolded it. "You feel up to eating?"

"Mn no..." Max shook her head and stood up.

"You feel up to stealing food off my plate?" Lukas teased.

"Look, food tastes better when it's from your plate." Max insisted and held onto her walker. "I'll try to eat...are you going to walk me up the stairs again?"

"Yup!" Lukas walked to the bottom of the steps. Once Max got there he helped her up the steps. He made sure to hold on tight so if her legs gave out, he would be supporting her. He was not about to let her fall down the stairs. Once they got back to the top, Lukas let the walker take over again. 

By the time they got to the kitchen, Dustin was already on his second plate. "They finally stopped making out to join us."

Jane giggled and hid her laughter by shoving waffles into her mouth.

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