I'm Going To Be OKAY

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"Max, time to gooo!" Steve called from outside her room. It was a week after Lukas' diagnosis, Max was practically on autopilot. Maybe not autopilot, she was being piloted by her friends.

"I changed my mind!" Max shouted from her room.

"You can't just do that!" Steve kept trying the door like it would magically unlock. He sighed dramatically. "You promised them you'd hang out today, they are waiting for you."

"I can, respect my boundaries." Max threw the concept of boundaries at him.

"I- okay I get what you're saying." Steve leaned on the door. "But mom is getting really worried about you. All you do is lay in your room. You won't even eat or drink unless you're made to." Steve was referring to Susan.

"This is starting to count as harassment!" Max implied that Steve was starting to really get on her nerves.

"Fine, fine..." Steve gave up and texted Robin, telling her to go ahead and take the other kids to the arcade. Max wouldn't be going. "I bet El, Will, And Dustin miss you..."

Max groaned, "guilt doesn't work unless I'm tired and vulnerable!"

Steve didn't know exactly what that meant, so he ignored it. "You want to go see Lukas?"

Just like that, the door clicked open. "Sue said he was resting today, he needs his rest."

"Sue also said you could visit, but you had to let him rest." Steve crossed his arms. "You want to see him?"

Max pondered the thought before nodding. "Yeah..." Max had a habit of only leaving the house to see Lukas now. The others visited Lukas too, but they still continued their normal lives. They had peace of mind that Lukas would be okay, Max couldn't help but think the worst.

"You know you're allowed to do other things, right?" Steve tilted his head.

"I'm not dumb, Steve." Max wheeled out of her room. "Take me to see Lukas."

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the arcade with Robin and your friends?" Steve was using a condescending mom voice.

"The arcade isn't as important as Lukas." Max did want to see her friends, it had been awhile. She was convinced it would be selfish to not be with Lukas when she could.

"Okay, let's go." Steve faced defeat and brought Max to Lukas' house.

Steve knocked for Max, who was ready to just go on in. Sue did say she could come in anytime to see Lukas.

Erica answered the door, the exact person Max wanted to avoid in this moment. "Oh hi, are you here to see Lukas?" There was no sarcasm this time.

"Yeah, can I?" Max wouldn't of taken no for an answer, but she was trying to be polite.

"Yeah, but he needs-"

"Rest, I know." Max looked up at Steve. "You're gonna have to help me upstairs."

"Actually, he's resting on the couch." Erica answered, not bothering to snap at Max's attitude.

"That doesn't sound comfortable." Steve chuckled to lighten the mood.

"He wanted to make sure he didn't inconvenience Max, when she comes to visit." Erica opened the door wider and stood aside. "Come in, I can't wait to clean the floor after you and your dirty wheels leave." There was Erica's attitude. It wasn't the same though. It didn't come from normal teenage hormones, it came from pain.

Steve was banished to the car to wait. Max wanted privacy with Lukas, and surprisingly she got it. Lukas' dad was at work, and his mom was working from home upstairs. Erica rushed up to her room too, not staying to make her usual jokes.

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