Pride And Problems

290 9 2

Mature/sexual language

I'm real sick rn, hope this is good.

Robin spent the day at Max's house, helping out however she could. Doing dishes, cleaning, keeping an eye on Susan and Max. Right now the two were sitting in the living room together, chatting.

"ROBIN!" Max called from the living room.

Robin dropped what she was doing and rushed in. "Yeah?"

Max pointed to her mom. "She just asked me if you have a boyfriend yet. I figured you might have something to say."

Robin crossed her arms and laughed awkwardly. She had no idea what the correct response was. "Why are you asking?"

"Oh, I was just asking a causal question. You seem like a lovely young lady." Susan shrugged. "No shame honey, you can tell me anythin'."

"Right..." Robin looked at Max, getting a wink. Robin sighed and stepped over to the couch. She sat next to Susan. Max was in her chair beside the couch. "Mom, I uh...don't date guys."

"Understandable, dating can be a huge hassle. No harm in not dating young." Susan looked at Max. "I mean not everyone can be as lucky as Maxine."

Robin chewed on her bottom lip, wishing Steve was there for emotional support. "No, mom...Susan? I uh, I like women. I'm a... lesbian..." Robin smiled nervously.

Susan looked at Max, then back to Robin. She had wide eyes, and a particular look on her face. It wasn't really shock or disgust. It was more like surprise and enlightenment. "'re a lesbian? I did not see that coming."

"Really mom?" Max remarked sarcastically. "Robin kind of does give off very strong lesbian vibes."

"Well I don't like going by stereotypes." Susan claimed and put a smile on her face. "Is Barbara your girlfriend?"

Robin shivered at the question. "'s complicated. We have a mutual fondness for each other. Due to her parents, Barb is not ready to enter a relationship with me."

Susan nodded. "Mn, I see...well I wish you the best honey. I ain't seeing you any different." She pulled Robin in for a hug. "I appreciate you just the same, lesbian or not."

Max watched the hugging with a tint of jealously. She wanted to have that moment with her mom. The coming out, the acceptance. Though rationality came to Max, and she realized she could join the moment too. "Mom, can I tell you something?"

"Yes?" Susan pulled away from Robin and looked at her daughter.

"I don't have a label, but I do find all genders attractive. Lukas was just a lucky guy."

"You do?" Susan looked at Max lovingly. "I don't mind, you know I love you. Not that it matters anyway that you like all genders, you've got Lukas now. Don't ever dump that boy, I like him."

"Not planning on it." Max promised.

Susan just smiled for a couple minutes, looking at the floor. She didn't realize she was surrounded by LGBTQ+ people. She definitely didn't expect her daughter to come out. "so you both and Barbara are not straight...what about the boys?"

"Lukas is straight." Max told her.

Robin bit her tongue before she said anything about Steve.

"Steve is straight...I guess?" Max looked at Robin.

Robin just shrugged and ran back to the kitchen to clean.

"Well dang, is anybody straight coming into this house?" Susan giggled at her joke.

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