Imprisoned At Home

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TW// conversations about sex

This chapter didn't turn out like I wanted and I almost wanted to start over but...oh well, never take life too seriously!

After Max's overdose scare, she was made to go to an addiction prevention lecture. After that, she was let off with a stern warning from the police. She was legally free, but emotionally trapped.

"Mom, please! It's been a month!" Max whined as she played with her food using a fork.

"Maxine, Sue said you're not welcome around Lukas until he's recovered." Susan was exhausted, sipping on vodka instead of her coffee.

"It's been a month..." Max said quietly this time. "he's going to get stressed anyway if he doesn't see me soon."

"Keep thinking of excuses." Susan grumbled and put the bottle down on the counter. "This is your consequence, You chose to take the drugs."

"I haven't in a month, I stopped!" Max raised her voice again.

Susan let out a big sigh and grasped the bottle again. "I know, I'm proud of you...but I'm still hurt that you could do that. After I struggled with addiction for years."

"I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry." Max dropped her fork and started crying. She continued even when Susan wrapped an arm around her. "I want to see him, I won't stress him out."

Susan shook her head and rubbed Max's shoulder. "You can't, Darlin'. It's not my choice either. We need to respect Lukas and his family."

"I can't-" Max coughed on her tears.

Susan used her sleeve to wipe some of the tears from Max's face before she drowned in them. "Max, not all dependence issues are about drugs. You're too dependant on Lukas. Sometimes, you need to give loved one's space. Why don't you call him again instead?"

Max knew her mom was right, but didn't give her the satisfaction of knowing. "Calling isn't the same...I can hear how miserable he is. I want to be able to hold him."

"I know, but you have to wait it out." Susan was going to take another sip of vodka, but put it down. She had to pull herself together, be a better role model.

Max watched as her mom quietly poured the rest of the vodka down the drain. She couldn't help but think she did it so Max couldn't have it. "Why'd you have to tell Sue?"

"It was a panic response. I asked her if she thought Lukas could handle the news, she said no." Susan walked back over to the table and pushed Max's plate closer to her. "Just a little bit more, okay? I love you..."

"Mhm..." Max was too bitter to say it back. "Can I go out with Steve?"

"Where?" Susan trusted Steve but Max obviously had very strict rules to stick to.

"He said he'd take me to the arcade." Max knew Steve would not leave her side for a second. It sounded extremely annoying, but also comforting. She felt alone.

Susan thought about the risks, there was always risks. "Okay, but you need to eat a little first. After the arcade, you come right back here. If you're not home by dark, I will call the police and report you missing.

Max couldn't tell if she was being serious, she scoffed. "Don't worry, I'll be back."


Max got back from the arcade, unharmed. Steve walked her inside, mostly because he wanted to check on Susan. "Thanks, for taking me to the arcade."

"No problem..." Steve watched as Max went back to her room. She wasn't technically grounded. Isolating her more wouldn't help her condition. Instead she had a few strict rules to follow. She couldn't shut her room door for more than thirty minutes. She also wasn't allowed to be outside of the house without an adult with her at all times. Steve wouldn't even let her use the bathroom at the arcade without making her empty her pockets.

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