Mrs. Sinclair Is Sweet

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TW// Mentions of sex

The next morning Lukas helped Max downstairs. The both of them looked like zombies. Dark circles around their eyes, practically dragging their bodies to the table.

"What were you nerds up doing last night?" Erica wondered while buttering her toast.

"Crying..." Lukas said just to put Erica in her place. He pulled out a chair and let Max take a seat. "Mom, can you go to the store and get some Advil? The Tylenol isn't helping Max."

Sue sat down at the table with her bacon and eggs. "I had to go to the shop today anyway. Does anyone need anything else?"

"We're out of laundry stuff." Erica reminded her mom. "Oh, and I think you need to restock on tissues. Lukas keeps using them for– Who knows what."

"Erica, behave!" Sue scolded.

Lukas perked up as he heard a subtle chuckle from Max. "Do you need anything else, Max?"

"No, thanks..." Max rubbed her arm and looked around.

"You hungry?" Sue asked the redhead.

Max shrugged and looked at Lukas for reassurance. She felt weird expecting more from this family. Lukas had already done so much for her.

"How about cereal?" Lukas suggested.

"Mmn..." Max hesitated.

Lukas got up and opened the pantry. He pulled out a box of cinnamon toast crunch. "Your favorite."

Max smiled and nodded. "Yes, please."

Lukas got a bowl of cereal for him and Max. He sat down to eat and quickly checked his phone. "Dustin is texting, asking if I want to hang out after school..."

"We can tell the others in a couple days." Max whispered to him and picked up the spoon. She played with the cereal before actually eating it.

"Now, I'm not expecting anyone to go to school today because of the recent events...however." Sue looked at her two kids. "You both have homework to catch up on. At least work on that today, okay?"

"I planned on doing that anyway." Erica replied with a bit of an attitude.

"Okay mom, but what about Max? I don't want to leave her unattended to for hours." Lukas knew Max would rather do anything else than watch him write an essay.

"Well..." Sue shrugged. "I never shop alone..."

Lukas raised an eyebrow. "Mom, she's not as mobile as she used to be...maybe not a good idea."

"I'm a patient person." Sue looked at Max, taking note of the lost look in her eyes. "Do you want to come shopping with me, Maxine?"

"S-sure?" Max was reluctant to agree. She thought it would be torture. Regardless, she at least had to make an attempt to bond with Sue. "And, it's just Max."

"Oh- sorry." Sue apologized. "The name Maxine just stuck in my head. It's a pretty name. I almost named Erica that."

"Thank God for second guesses." Erica mumbled.

Max smiled at the compliment. "What were you going to name Lukas?"

Sue looked at her son and cracked up at the memory. "Henry...he was my first child and I wasn't the most mature at the time. Thankfully I ended up choosing something else."

"Oh, ew..." Max cringed. "I would not date a Henry."

"Excuse me?!" Lukas gasped. "I'd still date you if you were named Henry!"

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