Doing Wrong To Save A Life

198 11 7

TW// Overdose, undressing without consent

Max felt fine for the first thirty minutes after taking her pills, but then the light buzz turned into a monster. A monster she probably shouldn't fight on her own.

"You feeling alright?" Barb asked while fluffing Max's pillows. Robin was upstairs waiting for Barbara to finish getting Max comfortable on the couch.

Max nodded slowly.

"Are you upset because we made you eat?" Barb took the blanket and pulled it over Max. "I'm sorry, but you need to eat."

"It's not that." Max grumbled and pushed her face into the pillows. Her head was throbbing, her body didn't feel like hers, and her heart was either beating so fast that she couldn't feel it, or not beating at all.

Barb rubbed Max's shoulder to soothe her. "Are you not feeling well?"

"Just tired, stressful day." Max was mentally screaming for Barb to leave so she could call Will or Nathan.

"I understand, goodnight." Barbara turned out one of the lamps, but left one on. "We'll be just upstairs if you need us. You're allowed to take anything from the kitchen, go to the bathroom, watch TV if you want. Barbara went through all the permissions. A typical person might not need those reminders. Someone who has been abused, sometimes needs to be reminded that they are allowed to do things.

"Mhm, night Barbie." Max covered up her face and listened as Barbara walked away. Once she was sure Barb was settled into bed, she pulled out her phone. She tried calling Will, but he didn't pick up. There was no time to waste, so she called Nathan.

"Hey, what's happening?" Nathan predicted that the call was drug related. Max only ever called if she had a question about the pills, or if she was low. "Before you ask, you are not getting more. You shouldn't be out yet."

"I'm not out." Max groaned and waved her hand in front of her face. She was seeing triple. "I'm out of it."

"How many pills have you had in the last 24 hours?" Nathan sounded genuinely concerned. Just because he took drugs, didn't mean he was heartless.

"I took one this morning..." Max paused to hold her breath, she felt a sudden wave of nausea. "Jesus-" she whined.

"You had more than one, did you take another one tonight?" Nathan had a hint of urgency in his voice. But he wasn't trying to frighten someone already high out of their mind.

"I had three tonight..." Max confessed and immediately started crying. These were supposed to make her easy going, happy. Now she was balling her eyes out on the phone with Nathan.

"Three?!" Nathan had told her to take no more than one a week. That was mostly to keep her from becoming dependant. Now she was taking four in one day. "That's four in total, Max! What were you thinking?" Nathan heard her crying. "Alright, stay calm. We have to deal with this, where are you?"

"Mn, Robin's..." Max sniffled.

"Where do they live?" Nathan was moving around his room, looking for something very important.

"You can't- they'll know-" Max didn't want to get caught.

"Who cares? I'll gladly go to juvenile detention if it means you don't OD." Nathan meant that, he'd rather get caught than live with the burden of indirect murder. "I'm coming by. If you can, you can come out to the car to lower the risk of getting caught."

"Mn, mkay...I'm by the old gas station, big tree in front." Max was starting to fall asleep.


"Mnhm..." Max felt pressure in her chest until she leaned over the couch and started throwing up.

Nathan heard the sound of vomiting and moved faster. "Okay, that's it. Tell whoever you're with. You need to be monitored."

"NoOo!" Max whined in between throwing up the spaghetti that Barbara had made.

"Max, I will call an ambulance to you. I'm not fucking around." Nathan was getting even more stern.

"Noo!" Max protested.

"Then tell your friend what's going on. I can't hang up until I know you're being monitored."

Max cried more. She couldn't call for them even if she wanted to. "I threw up- isn't that g-good-"

"No, not if the pills already took effect." Nathan was already calling 911 on his house phone.

Max heard him making the call, and immediately hung up on him. She covered her mouth, trying to keep quiet. She didn't want Robin and Barb to know. Thankfully they had the TV on upstairs. Max could hear it, but they couldn't hear her.

Max blacked out for twenty minutes. She woke up when she heard knocking at the door. She tried to stand up to answer, forgetting she didn't have full leg strength. She fell on the floor, screaming in fright. Finally, the TV turned off. Both Barb and Robin rushed downstairs.

"Holy crap, are you okay?" Robin ran to Max to help her up onto the couch.

"Answer the door!" Max shouted at Barbara.

Barbara hesitated due to fear, but unlocked and opened the door. "Yes?"

Nathan pushed Barbara out of the way to look into the house. "Max called me, she's overdosing."

"Overdosing?!" Barbara repeated, looking absolutely petrified.

"I think he's right!" Robin said while holding Max as she trembled. The poor girl was freezing cold, but sweating through her clothing.

"I'll explain when she's stable." Nathan promised and cupped Max's face, examining her pupils. "Why couldn't you listen to me?" He laid her down on her side and pulled a naloxone pen out of his pocket.

"This is fucked!" Robin got up and melted into Barbara's arms. "What the hell!"

"Shh, shh, cope now, panic later." Barbara whispered and rubbed Robin's back. "We need to call an ambulance."

"I already did. They HAVE to be here any second." Nathan could already hear sirens in the distance. "Max, can you hear me?"

Max cried in response as Nathan tried to pull her sleeve up. Her sleeve was too tight so he tried to pull it down from the neck. It wasn't moving and Max needed to be injected as soon as possible. Either in her shoulder, or her upper thigh. "Gah, I'm sorry." Nathan apologized while pulling Max's shirt completely off. Max suddenly became hyper aware of what was going on. As she felt the cold air against her bare back and chest. She screamed hysterically, but didn't even feel when Nathan injected her with the naloxone pen.

Barbara watched with her face frozen in horror. Robin had her face hidden in Barb's shoulder. Nathan was trying to save her life, but Max wouldn't remember it that way. Nathan pulled the blanket over and used it to cover Max up. It was too late, the damage was done. Nathan saved her life, but Max looked at him like he was a villain.

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