Unexpected Mourning

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Steve, Barbara, and Robin all arrived at the same time. Once Susan called to tell them the news, they knew they all needed to show up. They didn't bother to knock, they just walked in with a plan. Barbara was going to go check on Max, while Robin and Steve consoled and spoke with Susan.

"Susan, talk to us." Steve demanded as he approached the woman sobbing at the kitchen table. "What exactly happened?"

Susan wrapped her arms around Steve for a tight hug. It had been awhile since she saw him. "Billy, he's dead!"

Robin stayed back, building up the courage she needed to deal with this situation. "Uh, how? Sorry if that's a little straightforward- it's just, he was our age. Not like that big guy was going to drop from a heart attack."

Susan rested her head on Steve's shoulder and sighed. "The police received a call from one of Billy's friends. Billy killed himself in their apartment last night. Couldn't of been long after he was here..."

"He was here?" Steve asked and rubbed Susan's back.

"He brought money, $1,000 in cash...then he just left." Susan said tearfully.

"What a nice gesture?" Robin shrugged.

"Hey Robin, why don't you go help Barb? Does Max know yet?" Steve wondered.

Susan shook her head. "No, I don't know how she would take it."

"We'll tell her for you." Robin decided and started slowly walking to Max's bedroom.

Susan Continued to hug Steve like he was her child. "I hated that stupid boy, but why suicide? I feel so guilty, like I should of made him stay here..."

Steve was feeling a little bad too, despite Billy not being the most deserving of love. "It just sucks he wasn't able to turn his life around. Nothing is your fault Susan. I'm sorry I haven't been around much..."

Robin opened Max's bedroom door, she was already crying in Barb's arms. Robin sighed in relief, she didn't want to break the news. "Max, hey...you okay?" Stupid question, no doubt.

Max cried out of confusion. She hated Billy, but something in her wanted to mourn. She felt empty knowing she could never make things work with him now.

"It'll be okay Max..." Barb whispered while playing with Max's long red hair.

Robin made her way over and sat on the bed. "Everything will be okay, Barb's right...do you need hugs from me too?"

Max shook her head and wiped her eyes. She normally wouldn't hurt Robin's feelings, but she didn't care in the moment. "Can someone call Lukas?"

Barb looked at Robin, assuming she needed a task.

"Uh yeah, I'll call him!" Robin stood up and left the room to make the call. She felt like she was totally useless no matter where she went.

After making the phone call, Robin went back into the room. "Lukas said he's coming as fast as he can. Do you need anything else?"

"Can you guys help me into my wheelchair?" Max asked.

"Sure, Robin help me." Barbara moved Max's chair closer to the bed. "You lift the top, I'll handle her legs."

Robin moved over and tried to help Barb lift Max into her chair. Unfortunately Robin ended up dropping Max. The sound Max let out made Robin think for sure that she just broke the girl more. "I'm so sorry! I'm not the best in difficult situations!"

"Are you alright?!" Barb panicked and checked the girl over. "Robin, you have to be more careful!"

"Right, sorry..." Robin walked out of the room. She headed back to the kitchen. A few minutes later Barb rolled Max out of her bedroom.

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