Chapter 3

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Why were they migrating, and where?!

The back of the subdivision I resided in was an expressway where a shit ton of cars were piled up on the road. All the people who turned and gathered, where were they going?

Shit. I'm bad at geography. It makes my head hurt to do all this thinking.

And shit... with all my thinking, the zombies have seen or heard me. They started crowding the doors as I rushed towards the end of the convenience store, where the staff room along with the exit was located.

I was caught off-guard when the three zombies barged in, their arms reaching out for me like what the previous zombie clerk did.

The first zombie is skinny as fuck while the second was the opposite, a fat blob of a mess. The third one was missing its right arm. We'll call it skinny 2. The first one's obviously skinny 1. And fatty... well, fatty.

"Fuck." I gritted my teeth as I hit the shin of the skinny 1 while dodging fatty's attacks and whacking skinny 2 right across the face. I hit it once again to make sure it's dead while I automatically swung behind me for fatty, hitting its head, rendering it immobile while I focus on skinny 1 that was still on the ground, now reaching out to me.

"Fucking bitch." I stomped on its head hard, and fuck did my foot ache from the impact. I didn't get injured from the gate earlier, but I did get injured by this fucking monstrosity. Luckily, I can tell that these zombies were turned probably months ago, or else I couldn't have smashed their heads with ease.

Don't worry, my foot's fine.


I grunted as I hit its head again, and this time, it didn't move.

I sighed and faced my last one, "Alright, fatty. Come and get-- you bitch!" I wasn't done with my badass dialogue and he's already charging at me!

Disrespectful little cunt!

I growled. This bitch ass thinks he could interrupt me?

Turns out, I needed more force to incapacitate this motherfucker. I used my feet to gain momentum for my swing as I hit his knees, the satisfying crunch of its bones breaking was music to my ears.

I'm probably scaring you right now, aren't I?

Better get used to it.

I brought him down to his knees, or what's left of it, and hit his head sideways. Once he was on the ground, I bashed his head in numerous times, just to make sure.

I didn't let go of my bat as I sprinted towards the exit, pushing the door close as numerous zombies from the back of the convenience store had gathered there.

As soon as I shut it close, I pulled down one of the lockers to block the exit and prevent those things from coming in.

So much for knowing two escape routes.

I rolled my eyes.

Now that I had time to catch my breath, I can already smell the rancid scent of guts, brain matter, and rotten flesh. It made me dry heave, like my body wanted me to breathe only to exchange it with vomit.

I held it in as I muttered, "Ew...", trying to shake the blood from my bat.

God-damn it. The smell, it's really getting to me.

I swallowed the bile rising in my throat, forcing it back down. Gross, I know.

I drank one of the water bottles in my bag and half crawled - half walked behind the cashier, thanking my lucky stars for the little rest I'd been given.

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