Chapter 9

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"Are you sure we should wake her up? She looks like an angel-"

I punched the person's face when I felt his presence invading my personal space.

'Wake her up' my ass, I was already awake when I smelled the onions being sautéed somewhere around the house. To be honest, it's one of the most delicious aromas I have ever smelled ever since the apocalypse. I guess I forgot what cooking smelled like. These people here have it good, not needing to worry about zombies as they have soldiers patrolling every inch of the place.

I can't even cook because I was afraid the zombies would smell my cooking and would mistake it as me cooking myself, and that would make them come to my house and gather around it.

That, and I'm lazy.

I opened my eyes to see the familiar silver toned hair of Quartz, so I gathered that if Quartz is tasked to be the one who wakes me up- he's clutching the side of his cheek by the way- then that means Onyx is the one doing the cooking.

I yawned, not minding how ugly I looked with my outstretched mouth and squinted eyes, and propped myself up by using my knee, sitting on the sofa as I swayed my upper body side to side, the satisfying cracks on my spine putting me in a good mood this early in the morning.

"What happened to you?" I grinned at him, rolling my eyes at Quartz's obvious dramatic portrayal of a boy being wounded, and dragged him towards the kitchen.

How do I know where the kitchen is, you wonder?

I have a nose, you dumb-dumb. I can smell where the scent of cooking is from.

Quartz was still whining when I sat him on one of the dining chairs as I went to their fridge to get frozen peas, unceremoniously tossing it to him as he caught them in a cool way of some sort, expectant.

His twin, Onyx, had one of his eyebrows raised as he looked between the two of us, but didn't bother asking what happened and just continued with his cooking. And can I just say, he looked really handsome as he cooked. His focused gaze on what he's cooking made me a bit jealous that the food gets to receive such a look from him. He looked like a chef perfecting his craft, with a white apron to match.

"Where's the-" I let out a cough before continuing, "bathroom?" My voice was still hoarse and deep from just being woken up, and Onyx pointed at the door to the left side of the kitchen that's surrounded by plants.

It's a wonder how I easily I got along with the twins. Or, how they kinda adjusted to having me here with them. But it's too early to tell since it's my first day here. I guess we can consider ourselves friends then, right?

I took my time inside the bathroom and examined my surroundings, taking note of the cleanliness of it and the abundance of shower products here that I wouldn't expect men to have. I expected them to just have 2 in 1 body wash for hair and body, but nope. I also see some feminine products as well.

Do they have a woman in this house? Am I intruding on them without knowing? Maybe one of them has a wife already?

And here I thought I could get that twin sandwich- wait, no! Stop!

I shook my head and looked at the sink, where three toothbrushes were put in a cup along with their toothpaste.

It wouldn't hurt to ask them, right?

I mean, I'm just a guest. I wouldn't want to intrude on them. Guess friendship's out the window.

I opened the door and asked.

"Ayooo?! Do you guys have a woman living here with you? There are so many feminine products and an..." I looked at the pink, dainty toothbrush between the white and black ones, "extra toothbrush on the sink."

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