Chapter 17

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Two weeks passed with none of us taking a rest, looting every house we can open, or force open tomato - to-mah-to, gathering supplies and putting them in our neighboring houses for safe-keeping, removing and putting the CCTVs from each street light to the gates, the back of the subdivision, and any other blind spot we think might need surveillance, and just all in all fortifying the subdivision.

We didn't find any survivors. It was just Ollie and Tilly. Almost all of the houses we have scourged and all of them empty of people. The ones we didn't loot were unfinished houses with missing doors and windows and those that have a bad smell in them.

I guess being in the apocalypse, some people really can't take the pressure of living in it that's why they took the easy way out.

We left those houses alone and begin to kill the stragglers of the undead that we could find in open houses, either trying to find food or just mindlessly roaming around, unaware that we were just about to give them mercy.

Onyx took care of the electricity and water, he managed to make our solar panels fully independent and disconnect the electric grid, but he did tinker with something on the electric wires and connected the CCTVs to the surveillance room on one of the houses at the corner of our street, which was literally a house away.

We chose that house not only because it's near where we live, but it's also because corner houses are somewhat larger than regular houses here in this subdivision.

For the most part, Onyx did all the work while I gawked at him every time, he does... things. His pure undisturbed concentration while screwing-- I mean, using the screwdriver to install something and wires between his teeth--

Uhuh, nope. Stop it, horny self! Go to horny jail!

His brother, Quartz, is no help either. The way he carried those monitors that we gathered from other homes and into the room flexed his muscles like no other.

Ah, I see.

They're doing this on purpose.

In the end, I had to leave the room and cook lunch for the kids, with Tilly eating her favorite corned beef which we now have an endless supply of, and her brother, Oliver, just contented with scrambled egg and rice.

Quartz managed to find chicken hens in one of the house's backyards, and because of that, we decided to move them also nearby, where he constructed a chicken pen out of wood and finished it at the same time.

Now I don't really regret leaving them in that damned sanctuary.

How can they do all these things, you ask? It's important to note that they were one of the founders of Clark Freeport Sanctuary, and back then I didn't even think anything of it, just that they were founders. I didn't think they actually built the place from the ground up! Not really from the ground up, but you get my point!


The night we finished all our tasks for our subdivision, we celebrated. We were all in the dimly lit living room, enjoying each other's presence with Tilly and Olliver. I popped a champagne from Unity Anne's house, bless her soul, and toasted to her first before toasting with the twins.

"All in a weeks' work, eh guys?" I cracked up. I did plan what to do to fortify the subdivision, but they did almost all the work. Of course, Oliver and Matilda also helped scrounge other houses, but without the twins, we wouldn't know where we'd start.

"It's not our first rodeo, right, brother?" Quartz elbowed his brother who was drinking his champagne already, causing him to choke on the champagne and also snort it up his nose, his reaction causing us to laugh out loud as he coughed the champagne and glared at us, promising bad things will happen to us both.

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