Chapter 14

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Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily?

Thought so~

It's the next day. I know because I can see the sunlight peeking just a tiny bit through the curtains when I forced my hand to open it. My muscles were sore and my limbs stiff as I went into a fetal position last night and didn't move until now.

"Holy fuck." When I tried to change my position and lay on my back, my body protested. I forced my muscles to relax... and then stretched like a cat.

It hurt like a bitch, but luckily, I'm not one.

I took a deep breath to fill my lungs with much-needed air and it thanked me by making other parts of it hurt. I feel like I want to vomit all of a sudden because I got dizzy. This is how I am whenever I have a fever.

And now that fever has passed.

I slid down my bed and into a sitting position against it, aware that my vision was spinning in circles, so I laid my head against the side mattress to gather my thoughts and close my eyes.

The creaking of the stairs alerted me to someone's footsteps outside my room, and not long after that, I saw the door knob move.

Onyx's dishevelled hair and sunken face greeted me. It looked like he didn't sleep at all nor eaten, but his eyes were alert as ever when he looked at me.

"Oh thank God..." when he saw the clarity in my eyes, that's when he knew I didn't turn. He almost collapsed on the floor next to me as he knelt, his forehead resting on my non-wounded shoulder as I awkwardly patted the back of his head.

"Hi." I croaked out, my throat felt like it swallowed sand due to how much it hurt to use it.

"Not infected, hm..." I coughed, trying to bring some saliva or phlegm, or whatever my throat can conjure up at the moment to continue trying to talk.

Onyx murmured something I couldn't hear as he circled his arms on my waist, securing them there.

Well, this is... comforting.

I haven't had a hug ever since Alistair and Connor, so this seems nice.

I smelled a faint scent of body odour from my armpits, and let's face it, how could I not have them after not being able to bathe for a day? If I can smell it faintly, this only means that Onyx could smell it too. But he didn't comment on it. Instead, he seemed to tighten his hold on me more.

I snorted. "Bro, let me take a bath first." I sniffed loudly for him to hear, "I stink."

He grumbled.


I've been feeling his tears on my shoulder since he situated himself there and only now has it stopped, his quiet breathing remained.

For a second there, I thought I had died. I had to reassure myself that I was here, with him, that this is not a dream nor a nightmare. That this is life. And I won't take it for granted ever again.

"Let me take a bath," I couldn't help but whine. He removed his head from my shoulder and stared at me, his eyes getting a bit darker as the second passed.

I do not like where this is going.

"Compromise," he simply said. He took my questioning gaze into account and explained. "I want you to stay with me in this room, you want to take a bath. Let's meet in the middle. Let me," he pointed to himself, "bathe," he pointed at me. "you."



That wasn't me. That was Quartz who somehow peeked his head through my bedroom door and looked at us like we grew two heads each.

"Hi baby~"

"Holy shit you're alive!"

I was in the arms of the other twin before I could even continue my pickup line, while the previous one who spent his sweet time talking to me was holding my hand, making sure there is some form of skin-to-skin contact with him.

Jesus Christ, these twins I swear-

"And you stink!" Quartz pushed me away from him and made a disgusted face, "You should've just let her take a shower, brother."

Onyx rolled his black orbs because of his brother, "I was trying to coax her into taking one, thank you very much."

"Yeah, with you perhaps. This is his thing, Unity. Some sort of aftercare-" he looked pointedly at his brother, "in your case, beforecare, before he gobbles you up whole and blows your mind!" He seems to run out of breath before uttering his final sentence.

"And your back."

That... sounds so good...

"So, brother, if your only goal here is to make Unity sleep with you, It's a big no-no for me. Because I like her!"

After Quartz's valiant effort of confessing, he dragged me to my bathroom and closed the door with me inside, my head still blank as I tried to process what happened.

I could hear them talking to each other through the door, and when I tried to open it, it doesn't budge.

The door must be stuck.

Oh well, I could just make one of the twins bust the door open. The important thing is, I get to bathe in peace.

Author's note:

It only took one vote, ONE VOTE, to make me update. Thank you so much @emeraldzshinebright . Let me know all your thoughts so far, my dear readers. I appreciate you all.❤

wordqueen3 darling, I love you. Thanks for voting.😘


Author's note:

It only took one vote, ONE VOTE, to make me update. Thank you so much @emeraldzshinebright . Let me know all your thoughts so far, my dear readers. I appreciate you all.❤

wordqueen3 darling, I love you. Thanks for voting.😘


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