Chapter 15

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Being all sticky and stinky and having fresh (albeit a bit rusty) water run through my body is the only remedy I needed for my injured shoulder. I don't even know how we had water in the first place. The only plausible thing I can think of is that one of the twins must've tinkered with or activated the water station's pipes that go under the subdivision's houses.

The two have stopped bickering outside. Instead, I heard their footsteps go down the stairs, probably giving me space... Or the smell permeated through the cracks of the door. I cringed at the thought. Well, they've seen me at my literal worse, can't get any worse than this, I'll tell you that much.

My body sort of has this anomaly where every time I'm in the shower, it decides that it's time for me to go. Bitch, I'm talking about pooping My body wants me to fucking drop my bowels like it's hot, and so I did. In the fucking toilet, of course, not under the showers! That's fucking- ew...

Anyway, once I'm done doing all the necessary things for me to be clean, I went out of my bathroom and into my bedroom, where a pair of comfortable clothes was resting on my bed. The twins might have chosen them for me before they went downstairs.

I did my usual routine of putting deodorant on and spritzing myself with the leftover cologne I have left on my shelf, and dressed up. I took deep breaths to calm myself before going down and meeting the twins.

With company.

"You must be that annoying person I heard when I was getting carried."

Without missing a beat, someone behind him replied. "He's usually called Oliver, but annoying suits too."

Oliver shot an annoyed look at the child no older than 10 years old, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she stuck out her tongue at him.

I like her already.

"Who's this feisty, little uh... less annoying thing?" I grinned. "Your sister?"

"Yeah. Be nice." He was looking at his sister, who in turn rolled her eyes at him and went up to me, hugging my torso.

"Hi, I'm Tilly. Those two big boys said they're your boyfriends, is that true?" She asked, looking up at me adoringly, her chocolate brown eyes sparkling at the thought of me and the twins being together.

I raised my brow at the two subjects at hand, "What else did you tell her?" I'm afraid you've corrupted her head already. Not only that, but I didn't say what I was thinking, but based on my expressions, they understood.

"They also said that you are soooooo beautiful, which you are, and that you're mmph--" her brother stopped her from snitching on the twins.

"Long story short, they were busy crying their eyes out. Hope that helps." He pulled his sister onto one of the seats on the dining table and forced a spoonful of rice and corned beef into her mouth, shutting her up for good.

I felt the presence of the twins beside me, and I leaned against them, watching the siblings tease and made fun of each other as Oliver continued shoving food down Tilly's throat.

"Want to clean up some bodies?" I asked the two. My shoulder was aching, but my limbs were cramped, already itching for something to do.

"You just took a bath, and you're still injured." Nurse Quartz told me.

"We can do it tomorrow. And by we, I mean me and him. Don't move until you can raise your arm." Onyx jeered a thumb towards his brother, who nodded in agreement with him.

These bitch-asses, telling me what to do.

I raised my uninjured shoulder just to fuck with them.

"Your injured shoulder."

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