Chapter 4

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Alistair kept shaking my hand- which in turn shook my whole arm, which in turn, shook the arm of the zombie I dislodged it from-, off my arm.

A chorus of "Ew's" and "Yuck's" greeted me as they saw what came of my arm. The man in the passenger seat, however, had a lot to say.

"Did she fucking bring a zombie arm into my van? Jesus!"

He didn't even bother looking at the back where we sat, only looking at us through his rearview mirror as his intense icy glare was all I saw. I glared back just as cold.

I know what he is.

He's the asshole of the group. Unfortunately for him, I don't like assholes.

It's not my fault that the grip of the zombie was that strong. And I didn't make them open up the van's doors. They just decided to save my life- which I should be thankful for but too annoyed to convey it properly- on a whim.

It has just dawned on me that these are the very first people that I've seen since the apocalypse happened, besides my neighbor of course, but we don't talk about the dead when they're not here, oki?

"Alistair, you're overwhelming her! I'm sorry, please don't mind him, eh? He's just like this to everyone he meets." The man beside him said. The first thing I noticed about him is his attitude towards his friend, Alistair. He's compassionate, I can tell. He didn't have to apologize for Alistair's behavior, but here he is apologizing, when there is absolutely nothing to apologize for.

"No, no, don't worry. He's... cool." I just muttered. His eyes were mesmerizing, the captivating shade of cocoa that I have ever seen, with eyelashes so thick and dark it made his eyes look more enchanting the more you look at them. He blinked in wonder, probably asking why I was looking at him for too long.

His hair was the same shade as his eyes, albeit a darker shade, messed up in a way that it looked like he just woke up. Even still, it looked soft.

I want to touch it.

"Oh, well, that's a relief. Glad you don't find Alistair annoying. I'm Connor, by the way."

"Can I touch your hair?" Okay, there is something wrong with me now. I'm not usually this forward. At all.

He looked at me questioningly, raising his perfectly arched brow.

Fuck, I envy your brows dude.

"That's the first thing you ask me and not my name?"

From my peripheral vision, I saw Alistair grinning from ear to ear as he bears witness to our exchange.

I've come this far, so why shouldn't I see this through?

"Mhmm." I nodded, resolute.

"Um... sure, I guess- OW!"

Maybe being gentle wasn't in my forte at this time since I immediately pulled his head towards me using his hair. Well, what can I say? Give me an inch, I'll take 6. My hormones, seriously. Bajeezus.


"...Can you let go now?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Sorry again!"

"It's alright, it's alright. You can do it again when we're in a different setting though." His mischievous remark caught me off-guard, and I laughed. I didn't think he'd be the flirty type given that among the group, he looked... tame.

"May I know your name? It's the least you could do--" The least I could do? "After pulling my hair."

I would tell him my name, if warranted. But what the fuck? Trying to guilt-trip me into telling them my name? The least I could do is punch him in the face really hard to knock him out. I know it's a me problem, it's always been a me problem. I have anger issues, that much is apparent, and I'm trying to rid myself of it.

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