Chapter 11

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No words were exchanged between us as we split up. Already hearing my plan, Onyx went towards the middle of the abandoned houses to get to where I stationed him. A corner house that had a rooftop where I knew there was a ladder and, despite his injury, which I knew was just a graze, he could climb up to get a clear view of the gates.

I trust he knows what to do from then on.

I lowly whistled for Tootsie to come to me and put on her K9 vest, a bulletproof vest I found when I was scavenging a police station once. We all trudged together to the gates, and when I knew we were near it, I signaled her to hide in one of the house's front yards.

Several footsteps were heard as I raised my gun in front of me, willing my hands to stop trembling at the sight of unfamiliar people.

All of them, men.

I counted ten of them in my head, but there might be more behind the gates, since I doubt they would just let their vehicles be unguarded.

"State your name or forever hold it, you choose."

They weren't expecting someone to reside in this subdivision, much less a woman like me.

"Hey doll~"


I pulled the trigger and aimed. Fuck warning shots, he's a fucking pervert. The one I just killed was a man who resembled him, the guy who molested me.

It didn't take long for the others to scramble for their weapons and tried to aim towards me, but Onyx did his job well.

Almost too well.

He was stationed on my left, so who was shooting from my right?

I didn't have time to ponder as I had to move fast, ducking behind one of the empty house's walls.

A shoot-out happened, with me exchanging bullets along with Onyx and the unidentified person on the right rooftop with the rest of the men that came in once they hear that shots were fired.

I saw Tootsie from inside one of the houses across from me, scared. She looked like she wanted to come running towards me, but before I could cross over, I was hit.

To be specific, on my shoulder.

"Fuck!" I can't help but to curse as the bullet pierced through my skin.

This wasn't how I expected my afternoon to go.

I held my wounded shoulder and put pressure on it, the blood soaking through my jacket and into my hand, dying it red. I assessed my wound to discover that the bullet had gone straight through.


Well, at least I don't have to trouble myself to dig it out.

The sound of gunfire was no more, but it took a second before I stood up and looked at my surroundings, the blood loss making my head a bit muddled as I saw double.

I was about to collapse any minute now. But Onyx was with me in an instant, wait, two Onyx's? Did Quartz dye his hair? Wait, it doesn't make sense that he can do that in a short amount of time.

Yeah... this is the blood loss drowsiness thing talking.

"Unity? Unity, can you hear me? Stay awake for me, stay awake!"

I was slapped awake by, literally, a slap. This motherfucker dare slap me with his big fucking hands! This is ridiculous!

"I'm fucking awake, you fucking bastard." That is what I said, but what I heard was a bunch of gibberish that even I knew Onyx wouldn't understand.

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