Of course

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"Coffee, thank fuck"

Samir's a good sport letting me steal his cup but fucking hell is Tom in a bitch ass mood. Pissy because he has to sleep on the couch while I get to sleep in a bed, granted it's with Reggie, but I just know there's more to his stank face right now. I hand Reg a cup before she even has to ask and apparently the order of business for today is a hike... oh goody.

"I'm not fucking going."

"Oh for fucks sake Tom, stop being so goddamn precious about everything."

"Go fuck yourself Frankie."

"Fuck me yourself you coward!" Learned that one from a woman named Gemma, never fails to get a shocked reaction from pretty boys like Tom. "Seriously what the fuck is your problem?"

"YOU are my problem."

"Tom you better get your finger outta my face before I bite it off." I haven't had someone wag their finger at me... ever. Last guy that tried it ended up missing digits but Tom has yet to learn these things about me. "Dude you woke up 5 minutes ago, can you just... not."

"Or what? You gonna go fuck that hillbilly?"

"How does that... what part of that made sense in your brain? We are not dating and we never have, not to mention that had nothing to do with you waking up in a pissy..." oh no wait, maybe it did. "Are you jealous?"


"Oh my god you are! Listen here you pretentious little prick, that guy would've picked his teeth with your bones." Samir and Devon's chuckles have me turning on them, I'm an equal opportunity type of gal. "You too! It was either I step in and save Devon's dumb ass or I'm sure Terra would've gladly volunteered."

"The hell does that mean?"

"Please, I may not have been there for the first part of that fight but I saw you watching him after. I mean, I get it. It's fucking hot to see that shit but uh you have a boyfriend. I don't."

"You are such a bitch."

"I'm aware."

No need to deny it. I am the product of my upbringing and while the Sons are pretty good one-on-one, when they're all together... let's just say women aren't really treated the greatest. I was treated better than most because of who my family is, but I had to learn quick how to not let things get to me. I was also taught how to bite back, what to say to piss someone off, and how to beat the hell out of someone trying to take something that doesn't belong to them. So when my morning cup of coffee is interrupted by some jealous man-child with a god complex, I stop playing nice REAL fast.

"OK let's just all calm down. We could all use some fresh air, I know a great place."

"I'm not going anywhere with HER!"

I shouldn't antagonize her but I can't help but blow her a kiss. She is BIG mad... good.

"Me either. I'll stay behind with Terra. I'll treat her real good for you Dev."

"I bet you will."

It is muttered into my coffee cup but they heard me all the same... oops.


I am a ride on the back of a motorcycle, slam shots, always up for a fight kind of person. I am not an enjoy a hike in Satan's asshole kind of person, why the hell are the canyons so damn hot? Whatever, I'm also not the type to complain about it... OK so I am, but Reggie looks like this is something she's genuinely enjoying, so I will shove my complaints back and swallow them.

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