Bad for my health

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Mac was less than amused about my leaving him in the car for almost an hour. I explained what happened and apologized but he's like a dog with a bone when he's high and pissed. I left Regina inside with Opie but Mac refuses to keep his voice down, which has brought everyone that loves me out of the club to keep an eye on him. Whether he realizes it or not, the second he sees them, his eyes flash with genuine concern.

"I already apologized Mac. I'm not gonna keep saying the same shit over and over again. You were cuffed inside for a fucking reason."

"Yeah because you threw out my shit!"

"No, because of how you reacted after I did that. Word of advice Mac... don't start beating on the person that's driving the car! You're lucky I didn't drive over the fucking ledge."

"He hit her?"

I'm not sure whose voice that was but from the tone, they're pissed. I glance over in time to see Regina nod and a few of the guys are cracking their knuckles, ready to beat the fuck out of Mac if I ask... hell, maybe even if I don't.

"I need you to shut the fuck up and listen very closely to me." He's glaring but he's not talking so I'll take it. Small victories and all that shit. "They've agreed to help us but that help only extends to you for as long as I say it does. You start back up on your bullshit and nothing I can do or say will stop them from killing you."

"This is fucking bullshit Frankie."

"You don't like it Mac? Leave. I'll give you the damn car and you can go wherever the fuck you want but if that's the choice you make, you don't get to come back to Charming. You will no longer have the protection of the Sons and WHEN the Mayans find you, you'll be dealing with that shit ALONE. You wanted out, you made the deal, now either grow the fuck up or get the fuck out because I'm done having this same conversation with you."

"I forgot how scary she can be." Juice fake shuddered. "Doesn't have to yell or anything, she's just..."

"Terrifying." Mac called over my shoulder. "So I'm learnin... fine Frankie, you win."

"Thank you."

He reaches over to touch the bruised cheek and for just a split second I think I see regret behind his eyes but it's quickly replaced with a hard look when Clay, my father, my brother, Chibs, and Regina come over. She's already got my brass knuckles out for me (no idea when she grabbed them), passing them off when I'm in reach and I hear Kip chuckle behind me.

"You Mac?"

"Who wants to know?"

"For fucks sake... Mac, this is Clay. The man you REALLY don't want to piss off." Mac wants to say something smart assy, I can feel it in my bones, so I cut in before he gets himself beat to death. "That's Chibs beside my big brother Opie, and that's my dad Piney. If something happens and we need help, they're the ones you call. Them or Juice."

"Who the fuck is Juice?"

I whistle over to the guys and motion for my friend and sometimes fuck buddy. He's always reminded me of a golden retriever, so happy to see me and loyal to a fault. The way he smiles never fails to make my day a thousand times better and though lately we've been falling more into the friend category, it's still a relationship I cherish.

"What can I do for the most stunning woman in all of Charming?"

"Stop with that shit for one." I tease. "Juice this is Mac and uh... please tell me there's space at the house for us."

"Of course. I always keep two rooms open for you, just like you asked."

"So the place hasn't burned to the ground or anything?"

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