Friend of Frankie

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So apparently the whole 'getting along' thing between Juice and Mac only lasted until the next morning. Fun fact, two hungover men with an Alpha Male complex makes for a bad time. The first thing Mac did when he woke up was shoulder check Juice to get to the refrigerator. So in retaliation, Juice caught me coming out of the bathroom and kissed me damn near breathless. Lucky for him I'd just brushed my teeth. Unluckily for me, he hadn't brushed his. Needless to say they've spent the past few days trying to one up each other and I'm about to knock their fucking heads together.


"Hey darlin." He's going over some paperwork but it's inside the auto shop so I'm allowed to be here. "What can I do for you?"

"You can tell me you've learned something about the Mayans."

"Not yet Frankie."

"Fuck... well, is there an extra room or something?"

"Depends... who's it for?"

"Juice... or me."

"Trouble in paradise?"

I know that tone. He's looking for ANY excuse to rid Charming of Mac. "Yes but not what you're thinking so stop imagining ways to kill Mac."

"Caught that, did ya?"

"Considering everyone I know wants to gut him like a pig..." Clay isn't sorry but I can tell he feels a little bad for putting stress on me. "He's actually doing much better than I thought he would. All things considered but him and Juice... they keep trying to one up each other and I don't know how much more I can take."

"What are they doin?"

"It always starts out small. Take this morning, Mac muttered a slur under his breath so Juice poured orange juice in his cereal when he wasn't looking. After that Mac stole his cigarettes and smoked the rest of the pack."

"Oh for fucks sake."

He knows where this is heading. All of the guys have some kind of addiction and nicotine is the most common. "Yep and of course this all happens before I'm out of bed so when I go to the living room, I'm suddenly grabbed and pressed against the wall."

"Juice put hands on you?"

"Not like THAT but he definitely had a point to make. Took me a second to realize why he had his tongue down my throat but I figured it out after Mac threatened to fuck with his bike. I'm gonna cut both their dicks off if something doesn't change Clay and I know this is my own damn fault. I'm the one that brought Mac here and I'm-"

"Stop right there Frankie. It's not your fault those two are actin like damn animals. I'll talk to Juice but I'm afraid there's no extra rooms for any of you. We've got some new prospects takin up space for now."

"Well fuck! What am I gonna do? I need out of that house, even if it's just a couple hours."

"Want a job?"

"Depends on what it is..."

"Strip clubs hirin."

How'd I know he was gonna suggest that? For as much as he's claimed to not want me working for the club, he sure does put me in situations that benefit them. "No. I'm not doing that again... besides, I already asked and they won't hire me after I beat the hell out of Ima. I guess they're worried I might put hands on the dancers if they piss me off."

"Well you would."

"Only if they had it coming!"

Honestly it's a little unfair. Only reason I busted up Ima is because she hit me first. Bitch needs to learn to take a damn punch.

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