Devil in the driver's seat

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Imagine my NOT surprise when Mac's stint in jail didn't last longer than an hour. Because of course. Now everyone's freaking the fuck out, Regina found her ex-boyfriend dead along with the Sheriff, and Devon shot Tom. He claimed it was an accident but the crazy in his eyes has finally started shining through, I always knew it would only be a matter of time until it did. Samir left to go lure the other psycho away from the house but something deep inside me is screaming that he's not working alone, so when Devon tells all of us BUT Reggie to stay behind, I let him think I'll listen but lets be real... I follow. Terra's, surprisingly, not asking me to stay but I'm sure it's because she knows I can kick Mac's ass and her concern is stemming more from wanting Devon to be safe than anything... oh sweetie.

I make it to the shit-hole Mac calls a house, shush the dog with some more ear scritches, and wait for him to show. Didn't take long, maybe 3 minutes, which means he's been hiding out... fuck I hope he doesn't find me. The element of surprise is important here and if he gets the jump on me, I may not make it out of Utah alive. He shuts the door behind him, not bothering to check his surroundings (rookie mistake bro) and I'm gonna just follow him in... why is Devon coming out of the rafters?

"She's mine now"

oh fuck... oh fuckity fuck fuck!

"We'll see how this plays out, after I clean up your mess little brother."

That explains... so much. Of course the psycho twins are actually related. I need to get Regina the FUCK OUT.

"We will."

No the fuck you will not.

I wait until they leave, Reggie is still in the closet and as long as I can get to her before she wakes up... "Told ya I'd be seein you"

Damn it.


Everything went black and I come to in Mac's piece of shit truck, my hands and legs are bound with duct tape, and my mouth is covered with it. I wish I could say this was a first for me but when you're the sister of someone in a biker gang people tend to target you. Don't panic Frankie.

"You awake over there?" I'd flip him off if my hands were tied in front of me but here I am. "I'm gonna take this shit off your mouth, you scream, I'll kill ya."

You know, getting duct tape ripped off your mouth sucks but it's still better than when they do it slow. Mac is not a subtle man though so off it comes in a split second and while I shouldn't poke the bear... I'm gonna.

"You're a fuckin sick son of a bitch."


"What kind of prick helps his brother with a plan that involves raping his sister? I mean, I have seen some shit in my life but this is a new one for me."

"You don't know shit."

"No? I heard you! Regina doesn't deserve this... hell, nobody fucking deserves this!" His hand twitches and I know he's thinking about hitting me, go for it meth boy I won't be tied up forever... I hope. "I mean, I've figured out that you're a piece of shit but I had no idea how big of one you truly were. What? Daddy didn't love you enough? Mommy run out on you? That why you think it's OK to-" Well, he hit me. I probably had that coming but I just love pissing off ass-hats. "You punch like a fucking girl! My niece hits harder than you!"

That struck a nerve, at least I'm assuming since he has slammed on the breaks and... I am being drug out of the truck by my hair. He is so predictable. I bet he kicks me while I'm on the... nope he has hauled me to my feet and slammed me against the truck.

"You really don't know when ta shut your fuckin mouth!"

"So I've been told."

I don't think he knows what to do with me. I'm positive Devon has ordered me killed and since Mac seems to be the guard dog I refused to be... Goddammit he's undoing his pants, if he thinks I'm going to let him fuck me without a fight he has another thing coming.

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