It's Fine. I'm Fine.

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Deep, calming breaths. That's what everyone keeps telling me to take but at this point I think it would be healthier to just stab a bitch. We have been in Charming for a month now and after the second week I realized why I have such a love/hate relationship with this place. Clay has taken Mac under his wing, which is suspicious as fuck, and I'm supposed to just... keep my mouth shut? Ha! Bitch, please. He went from wanting to tear him limb from limb to what? Oh, don't worry I'll tell you what! He bought him a motherfucking Harley! I'm not jealous that he's got a bike and I'm still stuck with the fucking Jetta, I'm not... ok maybe I am, but what I hate more than that car, is how I'm now the person being kept in the dark! FUCK! I should've taken my chances in LA. Nope. Deep breath. Deep...

"Frankie, you ok?"

Fuck. I got lost in thought again. Donna must've seen me start to unravel because she and Regina came up with the idea to go to Stockton and I jumped at the opportunity. We haven't been able to leave Charming, mainly because the club said so, but Donna doesn't give too much of a shit about asking for permission. For which I am eternally grateful. We've just gotten into town and I must've zoned out because both she and Reg are looking at me with deep concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"No you're not. You're pissed at Clay."

"I'm pissed at lots of people Donna... Clay is just currently tied for first place."

"Tied? With who?"

Regina has been staying away from the clubhouse, taking everyone's advice and sticking close to Donna. So she's not up to speed on some of the shit that's been going on and while I can't tell her everything, I can tell her this.

"Oh you know. Jax, Mac, Jax... did I mention Jax?" she's trying not to laugh and it makes me smile in return. Man, I really needed this. "It's just... I hate being shut out. I'm the one who came up with the plan to take refuge in Charming and now no one is telling me anything. I have no updates on anything, oh except that Clay has apparently made an exception on the whole 'no meth in Charming thing' because I caught Mac using the other day."

"What the fuck? I thought you said he's violent on meth?"

"I did! He is! This is one of the stupidest plans Clay's ever had! I've suggested taking him to fucking rehab but he doesn't want to and Clay doesn't want him detoxing around me. I've been trying to combat their stupidity by keeping him supplied with weed and attempting to hide the other shit."

"Is that working?"

"Not well but it's the only idea I've got right now. He's not bad when he's on Indica, Opie's said he notices the difference, but now on top of all of this I've got the boy scout from hell up my ass and-"


"I know this one!" Donna smirks, having heard me complain about the man several times. "Hale. He's the deputy and from what Opie's told me, has taken quite the liking to our Frankie."

"Oh really? Frankie with a cop?"

"No." I hate it when Donna jokes like this but it is a little funny that Regina thinks she's being serious. "I'm not hooking up with a cop. He thinks he can get information out of me, but thankfully I wasn't actually around too much last year, so he's wasting his time."

"AFT shit?"

"Yup. I've been able to answer all his questions honestly."

"Which is a first for her."

"Donna." I turn in my seat to look at my sister-in-law but she looks so pleased with herself that I just stick my tongue out at her. She's lucky I love her. "You're a bitch."

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