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Well, the Mayans are officially off our backs. Have been for about 6 months and after I kept up my end of the bargain, I was promised no harm would come to myself or Mac. They used my talents to get information from some DEA agent, wanted to know how much he had on them. Was pretty damn easy to get what they asked for and I don't feel too badly about how that ended, I did show him a very good time before he 'went missing.' Also for anyone that may be wondering, yes I made good on my deal with the guy that let me into the meeting; I mean it wouldn't have looked good if I broke the first promise I made to a Mayan. Of course I lied and told my guys that it never happened because what they don't know won't hurt 'em.

I am now moved fully back into my place and Juice and Mac have figured out how to cohabitate with minimal arguments. It probably helps that I stopped sleeping with Juice all together but there are plenty of crow eaters willing to hop on his dick so he's not too heartbroken over it. I wouldn't call what Mac and I have a relationship but sleeping with other people is a rarity. The shit with the Mayan and DEA agent was forever ago and I really haven't fucked anyone but Mac in several months. What can I say, Gemma was right: he did clean up well. With his teeth fixed and staying away from meth, he's not... terrible. He still has one hell of a temper but Clay is using that to his advantage. I'm not sure if he's a prospect or what the hell is going on there but after I crashed their meeting, I am very lucky I didn't get my ass handed to me. So I keep my mouth very tightly shut (at least for the time being).

Jax and I can be in the same room without my throwing shade his way, but fuck is Tara pissed I've stuck around. I would bet all the money Clay's made from running guns that she was hoping I'd leave once everything was settled, but sorry sweetie, I'm not running away from home... not again. Besides, Reggie and Dylan are officially together and I've got to be here to keep an eye on my favorite girl. So far Dylan is a complete gentleman and she's happy, which is enough for me. She's still seeing a therapist and has moved out of Opie's place and into her own space. It's a cute little studio, not huge, but all hers. It's the first time she's lived alone and while she knows I'm only a call away, she admitted to needing her space more than she thought... and around and around the world keeps turning.

9 months have passed since that initial nightmare began but this is Charming so who knows when the next one will start. Speaking of nightmares, Gemma asked me to pick something up from Jax's house and... oh goodie, Tara is home so this should be fun.

"Knock-knock! Jackson?" I know he's at the club but it's better to pretend otherwise since I am just walking into their house. "Jax? Tara?"

"Frankie..." she walks into the kitchen and I can tell she's irritated by her tone. "Jax isn't here."

"That's fine. Wasn't actually looking for him anyway."

"Then why are you here?"

"Gemma said you had something for her? Not sure what that might be but she said you'd know."

"Oh um..." I swear if Gemma sent me on a wild goose chase. "Oh yeah, she did mention something about it yesterday. I think it's just some paperwork. I'll go get it."


I would rather fuck Bobby than be here right now. At one point in time I called this place home but now... kinda hard to be comfortable in a place where the man you were in love with is fucking someone else. Someone he got pregnant and is due any day... yeah, she got pregnant on that trip to the beach they took. Her pregnancy went through all the Mayan drama and explains why her hatred towards me was more than usual. Abel is now 18 months old and I know she hates that he likes me, but that's what happens when he spends time with his grandma at the shop... the one I still work at.

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