Welcome to Charming

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15 minutes, that's how close we are to Charming when I look in the rear-view mirror and see Mac rubbing that shit on his gums. Well fuck... him meeting the guys sober, well not sober but not right after a hit, has just flown out the damn window. Which gives me an idea.

"Hey Mac. Can I get some of that?"


"Fuck yeah ya can." He smirked, ignoring the devastation on Reggie's face. "Made it myself."

"Great. Thanks."

We're on a stretch of road that has a rock face on one side and a straight drop on the other, a guard rail doing it's very best to keep people from crashing over. We happen to be on the side closest to the 'little guard rail that could' with all the windows rolled down, so I go ahead and fling the tin as hard as I can and say bye-bye to that bullshit. Regina's grinning like the goddamn Cheshire Cat but it quickly morphs into panic when Mac loses his mind and starts punching me in the head. Apparently me driving and being in charge of keeping us alive has also gone out the window with his shit.




She's a little confused by my order but I'm trying not to drive us off a cliff and guard my head from the crazy man still throwing punches in this tiny ass Toyota. I know she's found the right thing when I hear a ZAP and he flies backwards.

"Thanks." I'm panting and so is she but we're alive. "Where'd you tase him?"


"That's my girl." There's a viewpoint up ahead and I turn in as soon as I can, put the car in park and step out. "Reg did you see the other thing in my purse?"

"You mean these?" she's holding up the cuffs and I take a deep breath and nod. "You ok?"

"I will be in a second." Mac's not knocked out but he's in enough pain that he doesn't realize what I'm doing until he's already cuffed to the door. "You really are a stupid motherfucker. Do you not realize that I could have driven off the goddamn road? Are you trying to get us all killed?"

He's finally coherent enough to start yanking on the cuffs but when he swings at me with his free hand I easily duck, he better knock that shit off before I knock him out.

"Only you! You fucking cunt! That was my fucking meth and you had no-"

"Right? Is that what you were going to say? I have no right?"

"Well... yeah."

"WRONG! I HAVE EVERY RIGHT! You are only here because I needed your help but seeing as how Charming is around the next goddamn bend, that's not really necessary anymore. You're a fucking monster when you use Mac, you told me the only reason that night with Reg happened was because your buddy spiked your drink. No way in hell am I letting you around my fucking family high!"

"You're not my fucking mom!"

"Thank fuck!" He's still nuclear level pissed and I need to calm myself down before I haul off and beat his face in. My knuckles are already slipped over the right hand but as angry as he makes me, I'm not trying to end today with a body to deal with. "Listen Mac you only have two options here. You either knock off this shit and we stick with the original plan or I leave your ass on the side of the fucking road. What's it gonna be?"

"You leave me here and I'll go straight to the Mayans!"

OK so today is his turn to make stupid comments and the flash of anger through my eyes has him trying to move away but I've had enough of his bullshit to last a lifetime. One good punch and he's out cold... oh well I'll deal with him when we get to my place, assuming Juice hasn't trashed it. I don't live in Charming, not after last year, but I keep a house for visiting my family. I told Juice he could crash while I was away as long as he doesn't turn it into a shit-hole but it's Juice so who knows.

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