Chapter 1

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Emory was walking to school with a pep in her step. She looked so much like a girly girl that the other students avoided her. But she really wasn't. She was a very smart girl but spent most of her free time playing video games and cosplaying.

She hummed as she crossed the street. She was so excited. She finally, FINALLY finished the modern warfare games. Which took her a while actually. She was still a bit upset at their deaths but it's a video game. It's gotta come to an end at some point. Now she just had to find another game to force her attention on to. Maybe something with Tom Clancy.

She was so deep in thought she hadn't realized the light was red when she was crossing the next street. She could only hear screams before there was a loud screech of tires. Lights blinded her eyes as she looked at the source. Her eyes widened as she realized what was happening only seconds before the hit. And man did it hurt when she got hit. The car came to a stop after hitting her.

The driver coming out and pulling her from under it. He screamed out to other people before checking her pulse. Emory gasped for air as she stared up at the sky. 'I just wanted to play games.' She thought as her eyes finally shut. Her breathing coming to a halt.
It felt like she was floating. Like she felt weightless and free. 'Is this heaven?' She asked herself. Her eyes opened slowly before slamming open. She was in some type of water but could breathe somehow. 'I'm a fish?!' She looked shocked before a woman laughed. It echoed around her and was loud like as if she was next to her. She looked around confused and slightly afraid.

"Do not be afraid Emory Wilms. You are safe now." She still could see no person. Suddenly in a bright flash of white, a woman appeared. She looked around her late forties, had long blonde straight hair, skin that looked like had small crystals in it, wearing a long white dress, big puffy white wings behind her, and a third eyeball on her forehead. "What are you?" She asked curiously. The woman chuckled. "I am an angel. And God has sent me to help you." She tilted her head. "Help me?" The woman nodded. "You have only done good in your life. You helped people and expected nothing in return. You resolved conflict even before some occured. You deserve a wish. Only for... Certain people."

Okay. Now she believes she's gone insane. "How would you like to be in the world of Modern Warfare?" She asked. Okay I don't care about insanity anymore. This is a dream come true. She threw her hands up excitedly. "Okay!" The woman laughed. "Whatever you may do. Will affect the story later on so watch what you do." She winked before suddenly it flashed white. Couldn't see anything.

Now she felt insanely tired. Barely able to move her body. She tried to open her eyes again. She could only hear at the moment and what she heard made her heart stop. "Recon the area and let's go Gaz." That was Price's voice.

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