Chapter 3

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Emory could tell she was awake but for some reason she couldn't open her eyes. Her head felt hazy and a sharp pain in the side of her head next to her ear. She squeezed her eyes and groaned, forcing them to open. The light looked too much. Too bright. She closed her eyes again but forced them open. After a minute her eyes refocused and she looked around.

She was in a tent. The walls quite obvious with their cloth like structure. She looked at herself seeing she's in a medical gown. Tubes and IV's in her arms. She started gagging suddenly. Her arms weak but with enough strength she reached up and ripped the breathing tube out. Gagging on air after taking it out. Turning over and spitting onto the ground. Her throat now felt scratchy. She turned back around and groaned as she sat up. Her pain felt achy. She heard footsteps and looked to the entrance.

In walked Laswell followed by Price and Soap. "I see you're awake. You shouldn't have removed that. It could've hurt you." She sounded worried. Emory could barely believe it. The woman who at first hadn't wanted team 141 in the first place. But gave in thanks to Price. "Where is the doctor?" She asked. Price shrugged. "Saw em leave. Probabry on brake." His voice sounded funny to her.

She looked back at Emory and pulled up a seat and sat on it. She smiled at her. Her face still held authority and danger in it. Emory still felt nervous around her. "My name is Kate Laswell. I hear your name is Emory Wilms. Is that right?" Emory just stared at her. Kate tried to seem friendly. She truly knows how she acts. She's played the games.  "Yes." She nods slightly. She sounded quiet. "Quite shy eh?" Soap asked. Kate rolled her eyes slightly and looked at Emory again. "Do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?" She asked. Emory just shrugged and looked down to her legs.

She was very nervous. "Did those people kidnap you? The Russians?" She asked. Emory didn't know what to say. She can't really tell her the truth. She did to Price and assuming he still keeps good contact with Laswell and trusts her as always, he probably told her. To compare answers. "Emory? Can you tell me if they took you?" She asked again and leaned forward a bit. Emory shrugged. "I don't know. I woke up there... I was-" Laswell interrupted her. "Hit by a car and woke up there." She finished.

"Now I want you to answer my next que-" Emory suddenly spoke up. "Why did you ask?" All eyes looked at her. "Pardon me?" Laswell asked for a repeat, not understanding. "If you already knew the answer then why did you ask the question?" Laswell opened her mouth to speak before Soap started speaking. "She just wants to know if-" Emory over spoke him. "If I had lied? I'm a kid. Hardly able to take any of you. Bloody idiots scared of a high schooler." Her accent now started coming out the more frustrated she became.

"Emory we just want to help." She let out a short dry laugh as she attempted to deescalate the conversation. "No, you want to know why I was at a highly dangerous enemy territory. Especially at the same time your team went in to get the information inside. When you should be more worried about the soldiers inside." That caught her attention. "The Russians?" She asked. "No. They are indeed Russian but not working for the Russian government. I saw what was on their computers. Working for someone named Ghorbani. Which I assume is some kind of general by how much these people speak of him. Doubt they'd do that for someone lower." All three looked surprised.

"You're very smart." Laswell said. "I aced science." Laswell chuckled slightly. "Perhaps that is why they took you. Everyone, no matter the side wants smart people. Especially the young. Influence them easier." Laswell spoke. "Kate. What are you saying?" Price's voice sounded like he was warning her. "I want her part of the team." Both stood stood straight. "Excuse me Laswell but no facking way. She's a civilian child!" Soap retaliated. "She's highly intelligent. And valuable. If we let her go they might attempt another kidnapping." Laswell informed him as she stood up.

"The doctors will release you and team 141 will teach you how to be a soldier." Laswell tapped Emory's leg before walking out. Price following while yelling. Soap looked right at Emory. "It won't be easy. Hard as hell. Hope you'll be ready. Especially with those little spaghetti arms." She should feel offended but can't help but smile at his accent. "I can do it. I might not be able to lift a body but I can make you lot proud." Soap smiled slightly and left. After he walked out three doctors name in and one starter scolding her for taking the tube out her throat.

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