Chapter 12

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'Oh my god shut up!' Emory shouted in her head. Everything hurt. Everything felt sore or on fire. She wanted to open her eyes but they felt too heavy. Her arms can't even rise. "What the hell do you mean you couldn't find them?" That's Soap. Emory recognized his voice right away. The thick accent coming through. "That's exactly what I'm meaning. She doesn't exist. There's no birth certificate or record of her parents. She lied to us and we need to know the truth." Soap quickly defended Emory. "No way! She's a kid. What the hell is she gonna do?" Laswell crossed her arms which funnily Emory still can't see because she won't open her damn eyes.

"Yeah a kid that stabbed men to death, flew a helicopter, drove and crossed the border, and helped take down Hassan. Who else knows what else she's done. She's not any normal kid Soap now leave the room. Let me be with her alone." Soap quickly refused before Price joined in. "Just leave it Soap." Soap gasped and grumbled. "She's a part of the team!" He was dragged out by Ghost and the door shut. Leaving them alone. "I know you're awake. I saw your eyes moving under your eyelids." 'She's that observant?' She wondered. "Who are you really?" She asked with a serious tone.

Suddenly she has the strength to open her eyes. She glanced at her. Her eyes still held weakness and pain. Droopy and dark. "You won't believe me..." Emory whispered. Her throat burned. "Try me. I've dealt with almost everything." Emory shook her head. "You still won't believe me." She sighed. "Don't make me use something to get you to speak." Emory looked up at the ceiling. "I really did get hit by a truck. Then I woke up at the enemy base." Laswell sighed. "I don't know if you're telling the truth. Legally I can't use the serum. I'll have to trust you but you've done so much to break that trust."

Emory nodded. "I'm sorry." Laswell looked down at some papers. "How did you fly a heli? You had no training?" Emory remembered to the training the group had given her. They taught her how to start up a heli and keep it flying and that was it but that was all she needed. She closed her eyes. "I'm so tired..." She hummed. "Sleep. But when you wake we will see about you. You did say you had parents." Emory fell back to sleep.




Emory's eyes opened quickly. "I'm going to destroy that stupid machine." She mumbled. She heard crying. She glanced over and saw her mother sobbing in the doorway. Her father looked like shit. His eyes red and his figure looked messy in every way. He was rubbing her mother on the back. A doctor before them. A small man with a receding hairline and glasses. He looked so kind but held a sad and solum face. "I'm so sorry Mr. And Mrs. Wilms. We tried everything we could. Her body just received too much trauma. I'm sorry but we've lost her." Her mother started sobbing harder now. Her legs shaking as she nearly collapsed.

Her father sniffling as he tries not to cry. "What the hell is happening?" She asked. No one paid attention to her. "Mom?" She asked. 'I'm back?' She thought to herself. "Mom why are you crying? I'm right here." She said louder. Still no response. "Mom!" She shouted as she tried to get out of bed. Her body wouldn't move. "Mom! I'm scared! Mom!... Dad?" She asked as she started going quiet. She started crying. "I don't wanna be here. I want to be with my new family. Team 141. I want to be happy with them. Grow up with them! I want them to be my family!" She started sobbing.

"Emory." She stopped sobbing as she hiccuped. "W-what?" She asked quietly. "Emory you're having a nightmare. Wake up." She wiped her eyes. "What's happening?" She asked again. "Emory wake up."

Suddenly she got tired again. "I don't wanna sleep... Because then I might not wake up..." She didn't want to officially die. She laid back as her eyes started closing. "Emory get up." Price? Why could she hear him? "Emory..."

She closed her eyes and everything went black. Suddenly becoming white. She was in a hospital room. The whole 141 surrounding her bed. Even Laswell was there. She started crying again. "Why the hell are you crying now?" Ghost asked. "It's nothing. I'm just happy." They smiled at her. Except Laswell of course. "That's good." Soap said. "Welcome back kid." Price smiled a bit more. Yes. Welcome back indeed.

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