Chapter 10

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"She's been stabilized. She's very weak but her condition will rise in time." That's Rodolfo's voice. She tried opening her eyes but she was so tired. "Alejandro I don't think she can fight anymore. We might have to leave her here while we go kill Graves." Soap said. Suddenly her eyes opened wide. "Wait-" She shot up gasping. Pain shocking her body. Multiple hands held her down. She groaned and looked around. Price looked worried and sad. And some amount of guilt. Soap looked relieved but worried. You never can tell what Ghost is feeling. Gaz stood behind everyone with scared eyes.

Alejandro looked guilty as well. "Easy hermana. You'll hurt yourself worse." She shook her head. "I want to help. Please." Price immediately shut her down. "No Emory. You're injured and cannot fight." She quickly shook her head. "I want to fight. Let me help." She struggled again. "Emory calm down. You'll pull your stitches." Soap advised. "I was oart of this mess too. Let me help!" She kicked Rodolfo off of her but Price quickly grabbed her legs and pinned them to the table. She was now unable to move at all. "Emory!" She halted at his voice. He sounded mad and angry. He sighed. "You have to stay here. I won't let you die out there." She thought back to the old game. Where everyone Price ever cared for. Ever needed in his life... Died. She doesn't wanna do that to him but she's here for a reason and that's to help.

"Okay." She whispered quietly. Lying. Ghost just stared at her. He didn't believe a word she said. "Alright. Ghost team, gather your gear. We're leaving." She shot up. "Already? How long have I been out?" Soap laid her down once again. "About four days. Don't worry. We'll be back before you know it." She pouted and nodded. He rubbed her head before putting a mask on and joining the others.

After seeing them leave she sat up wincing. "As if I'll let them do this on their own." She mumbled to herself. She got up and off the table. Nearly collapsing as all her weight hit her legs. She stabilized herself and walked to the armory. "Something that'll help me stay awake through the pain." She grabbed a bottle of Tylenol and hoped that was enough. She grabbed some body armor but it hurt too much to wear. "This is gonna be a really bad idea. But I have to leave it." Instead she grabbed a vest and put many pouches on it. Equipping ammo, grenades, and knives to it. She also grabbed a shock baton. "Ooh this'll be so much fun." She spun it in her hand and put it away.

Grabbing a fanny pack type deal that hung behind her. Putting more stuff in it then grabbing two silenced weapons. A silenced auto rifle and a silenced hand gun. Putting sights on both of them. Then she grabbed a comm device, placing it in her ear. She then put some boots on since she was barefoot for some reason. "I'll make you proud mama." She grabbed a spare keys and used the last car available. Driving to the base.

*Time skip*

Emory stopped a bit away from the base. Chaos already ensuing inside. "Wonder how far they've gotten." Seeing a tower fall. "Oh. That far." She jumped out and looked around. All the guys outside dead. "Easier for me." She mumbled and walked in. Seeing loads of enemies heading towards the gunfire. "That's new. Didn't see that many during the campaign." She looked over seeing a heli just sitting there. A large smirk growing on her. "This'll be fun." She ran over and groaned as her wound pulled.

She shot the three people inside and threw their bodies out. She closed the doors and started the heli. "Come on come on. Remember which ones to switch and push." After a couple minutes of switching levers and pushing buttons it started up, coming to life. She lifted the handle and the heli lifted into the air. She put the headphones on and flew towards where the gunfire was at. Price's heli crashed down as him and the pilot shot out. Shooting at enemies. Ghost joking them but soon they were getting overrun. "I don't think so." She grinned as she turned on music on a stereo system.

Soon ACDC started playing. Everyone stopped and looked around confused before looking up. "See you in hell assholes." She shot them with the machine gun attached underneath the heli. The troops scattered as she hammered down on them. Flying around to dodge rockets. "Who the hell is flying that thing?" Price asked as he shot down enemies. "Better not be..." Ghost mumbled as his eyes squinted. "It's Iris!" All three pairs of eyes shot to the heli.

She turned and dodged yet another missile. She gripped the handle. "Getting heated down there eh?" She asked into the comm. "You were told to stay behind!" Price yelled angrily. "I'm a child Captain. Since when do children ever listen to their parents?" He looked surprised that I referred him as a parent. She quickly tilted the handle. The heli tilting as it headed to the right. A missile flying past. "Jackass!" She shot at them. Killing the anti air crew. She flew away and started flying around them in circles. They were freaking out.

"Emory land that fucking heli now!" Ghost basically screamed. "Not a good idea right now LT. Don't wanna get shot again." Ghost grumbled as she shot many more soldiers. "This is so much fun!" She laughed and groaned at the pain in her side. "Emory set it down now." Most of the enemies either died or ran. So much for the great shadow company. Their all mercs anyways. She landed it and jumped out. Putting a hand to her healing wound. "Emory what the hell were you thinking?! You could've died!" Ghost yelled. Price grabbed his shoulder. "Easy Ghost. She saved us. While she will be grounded for going against orders." He patted her head. "Good job kid." She smiled big at him.

Suddenly there was a large explosion. "Soap to Ghost. Commander Graves is KIA. How's the captain?" He asked. "Angry. Lost a good cigar in the crash. Pilot is okay too. You won't guess who showed up." It went silent. "It's Emory isn't it?" Ghost sighed as he glared at me. "Yup." I smiled nervously. "Let's group up with Alejandro. We need that third missile." That's right. Chicago. She quickly turned and ran. "Hey! You're injured! Sit your ass down!" Ghost yelled as he chased her. Price sighing before following.

Emory ran to hanger three and ran in. "Alejandro." Both guys looked to her. "Iris? What are you doing here?" Alejandro asked. "Yeah. You're supposed to be back at safety." Gaz asked sounding like a scolding mother. "I said I wanted to help. So here I am. I helped." Gaz sighed as the others ran in. "Let's just get this done." They all walked in. Valeria turned to them and smirked. "Having trouble with your team Alejandro?" She asked teasingly. Emory glared at her. Valeria looked right at her. "So she lives." She squinted her eyes at her trying to look intimidating. Emory just stared unblinking. Her pupils widening. Valeria, after a couple of minutes, looked away as she cleared her throat. "You knew there was a third missile?" Price accused.

"I-I don't count them. I have people for that." Obviously a lie. "She's lying." Alejandro growled. Emory turned away. "You let a hurt child fight for you dogs? Knew you weren't that good." She snickered. Soap stepped forward ready to beat her ass but he was held back. "Easy Soap. We need her well enough for answers." Price forced. Soap growled and backed away.

Emory softly touched her wound. She nearly died twice. She doesn't belong here. She hasn't done anything to help these guys. "¿Por qué no trabajas para mí, joven?" (Why don't you work for me, young one)

Alejandro lunged at her. "She'll never work for you puta! You're going to suffer for your crimes!" Alejandro screamed at her. Price looked ready to burst as well. Emory looked at her. Confused at what she said. A spare soldier grabbed Emory and pulled her out of the container. "You wait out here." He said as he closed the door. She felt saddened she couldn't be with the boys. She looked around and hummed. 'What would happen if I did work with Valeria?' All she understood was work. That was it because so many around her said that work so that's what she associated it with that.

She rubbed her chin slightly. 'What if they don't want me on their team anymore?' She stood straight and looked determined. 'I'll just do it myself.' She thought to herself as she took off. Getting to a car. Starting it up and taking off. "See you guys later." She drive off to one destination. Chicago.

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