Chapter 4

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Emory yelped in pain as she was slammed onto her back. She gasped out and coughed then groaned as she rolled over. She looked up annoyed at Ghost. "You're too slow and small. You'll never win like this." He told her. "I've only been training for a week. Obviously I ain't gonna be fully trained already." She complained as she stood up. Her back burning.

"Try again." He commanded. He got into a stance and awaited her attack. She started running at her. He reached up to grab her head and she fucked but was kneed in the head by him. She groaned and held her head. "Get up and try again." He told her. She groaned and got up. "You truly do have a cold heart." She grumbled as she wiped her face.

Ghost just sighed. "You aren't gonna get anywhere if you keep getting knocked down." He told her. "No. But I'll get somewhere eventually. Eventually it'll be you getting knocked down." Ghost snorted. "Doubt that. I've been trained for years." He told her as he got into position again. "You have to know how to take down someone. You never know when you'll need it." She thought back to the game. How the Shadows and Graves betrayed them. That's when she'll need it.

She charged at him again but started to think in the seconds before she got too close. What if she took a different approach? An approach Graves men would do. As he reached forward to grab her, she lurched to the side. As he turned she pushed with all her might and kicked his legs. He only grunted. "You're so small. Can't even move me." She growled angrily and kicked his dick hard. He yelped and held his groin. His own fault for not wearing the protective shield.

Suddenly hearing loud laughter, she looked back. It was Soap. He pointed at Ghost. "Karma facker!" She snorted at his language. "Why are you here Mactavish?" Ghost asked annoyed. He stood straight and corrected himself. "Captain wants the kid in the debriefing room. Wants to teach her other valuable concepts." Ghost walked away without saying anything. Soap kept chuckling. "That was the best thing I've seen in years." He cleared his throat. "Come now. Follow me." He walked out and followed him out to another building. It was dark inside save for a table with a large map and a lamp over it. She looked back and saw Soap left.

"Sit kid. It's time for me to teach you." Emory walked over and sat down. "I'll teach you how to read a map and directional commands." She nodded. She looked nervous but determined.

*Time skip*

Emory felt like her brain was fried. There was so much to learn. "Then there's everyone's code names and call signs." He pulled up everyone's code names. Bravo-01, bravo-02 and so on. Emory now didn't like Price. He reminded her of the teachers she didn't like in school. She tried to remember all she could. Some parts she forgot right away. 'So much for being so smart.' She thought to herself.

She waved saved by someone who walked in. "Captain. Laswell's called you for a debrief. Got a new mission." It was Soap. She'd recognize that accent anywhere. He nodded then pointed at Emory. "Stay here." She rolled her eyes but Soap spoke up. "She wants her too." Price looked shocked. "She's only been training a couple days. She's not ready." Soap nodded. "I know but she's very stubborn." He turned and left. Price sighed. "Come on kid."

Emory got up and followed him. As they walked there she watched soldiers run by. They ran in unison while others matched in formations. There was a couple groups sitting down in other spots just talking to each other. Trucks drove by quickly as she saw a tank being inspected. Three people standing still as someone was telling at them. 'Sheesh. Maybe the military is not for me.' She thought as discomfort showed on her face. "In here." Price said as he walked in. He held the flap open for her. Emory walked in after him.

There was Gaz, Soap, Ghost, and a couple other soldiers. "Listen up. We found a possible hit on Ghorbani. We don't know who he's meeting with but with the fact that the Intel was in a Russian headquarters, we'd assume it's them. Ghost, you will be scouting out with your rifle. Determine if he's there or not." Soap spoke up. "And if he is?" He asked. She looked to him. "We're sending him and Graves there to send a missile. Destroy him and his comrades then get out." Simple. 'That's simple. I never got to see them debrief in person like this. Other than the end of course.' Emory thought to herself. "Emory. You will be going with Ghost. He will teach you in person about using a scope and scouting." Ghost looked to Laswell quickly.

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