Chapter 2

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Emory looked around to survey the area. She was in some kind of building. She heard footsteps and backed away under a desk in the hallway. Two pairs of feet passed by not noticing her presence. 'Of course I get dropped off in enemy territory.' She complains to herself as she starts to think about where Price and Gaz are. She heard them so they can't be that far.

She peaked out and crawled from under the desk. Standing up and dusting her knees off.  She looked around and saw no other guards. This is my chance! She ran out and checked different rooms. She clicked open a room and only saw some guards playing cards. Thankfully they didn't notice her. She doesn't exactly have a weapon. Which reminds her... She has to improvise. Ghost style! She smiled big as she thought about the knife happy guy. She opened a door and it brought her into a bathroom. She closed the door and checked every stall. She then blocked off the door. Grunting as she moved a potted plant in front of it. "This will do nothing but at least it's something." She whispered and walked to the sink. She looked at herself.

She looked normal. As she did before she died. She looked determined and clenched her fist. "Please don't come looking for me." She whined and punched the mirror. It broke but her hand started bleeding. "Ow." She whimpered. Tears forming in her eyes. She took a deep breath and grabbed a large shard. She looked around and saw nothing to use as a binding. She looked down and pulled out the string for her hoodie. 'It's gonna be such a hassle to replace it.' She sighed and wrapped it around an end of the blade. She lifted it and looked proud. 'My first blade! Ghost would be so proud!' She grinned before hearing the knob turn.

Someone started talking in another language. She quickly looked around while freaking out. She saw a small vent in the corner. Too small for Soap but just big enough for her. She climbed the sink and used a closed box for an extended couple of feet. Using the shard, she unscrewed the grate and carefully dropped it in the corner of the counter. She counted to three and jumped, gripping an edge and pulling herself in. She grunts when she finally makes it all the way in. She sighed in relief as the door busted open right after her escape. "Здесь никого нет" She quickly but as quietly as she can, wiggled away. She tried not to worsen the injuries in her hand as she moved. The blood still dripping.

"Okay. Maybe not a good idea to use an unprotected hand." She closed and opened her hand, hissing at the small but sharp pains in her fingers. She then continued to crawl away until a vent gave way under her. She screeched as she fell. The impact making a loud bang. She sat up and rubbed her head groaning. "Ow... So not graceful." She peaked her eyes open and looked around. It was dark but computers lit up the room. There was no one here. Well no one until she heard groaning from below. She glanced down and saw her on top of a man. She quickly got up squealing. She suddenly realized she wasn't holding her weapon anymore. She looked around quickly but could barely see anything on the ground.

She couldn't even see this guy's weapon. But she did see something. She checked this man's legs and pulled out a sharp knife. "Thank you for the support." She gripped it tight as she looked around. Desk after desk after desk covered in computers and papers. The screens just glowing blue. She clicked on one with the mouse, hoping it worked. It did but it needed a password to log in. She hummed as she looked around. "Bad guys like these... Usually leave clues around because they're idiots." She opened a drawer and found scissors. Taking those and putting them in her sweater pocket. She closed it and opened a drawer below it. Seeing only folders. She wasn't patient enough to go through them ALL.

She finally ducked down and looked under the desk. Finally! She saw a sticky note. She grabbed it and looked at it. 902871#. Really? Usually people use words. She typed it in and it worked! She smiled giddily as she looked over the many tabs that popped up. Finally stopping on something... Interesting. It was intel on other bases, bosses such as generals, commanders, and terrorist controllers. 'Why would they have this?' She questioned. She wasn't one to assume but these Russians have a lot of info about other nations criminal warlords.

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