Chapter 9

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Emory nearly fell asleep in the car ride back. She yawned tiredly. She closed her eyes and relaxed. Hoping what happened in the game won't happen now. Soap glanced to her and chuckled. "Tired kid?" She smiled a bit. "It's that obvious?" She asked quietly. Soon lights shined on the cars. Her eyes opened as the cars slowed to a stop. "What's happening?" Soap asked quietly as he jumped out. Emory climbed out and looked confused before realizing it. Nothing changed. Graves stood before Alejandro. Refusing him entry. "This is my base!" Alejandro yelled angrily. Emory started getting angry too. Her grip tightening on her weapon.

"Kid. Come here." Graves commanded. He waved her over. She just stared at him. "She's not going anywhere with you." Soap growled angrily. He stood before her protectively. "Yes she is. She belongs to us now. She's a shadow." Alejandro growled at him. "No. I'm not. I'm Bravo. Team 141. Not your stupid shadow boy club." Graves looked offended as he glared at her. "My men are inside!" Alejandro yelled angrily. "No. Your men have been... Detained." He looked smug. Alejandro was fuming. "Cabrón!" He yelled as he charged him. A shadow pining Alejandro to the car beside them. "Alejandro!" Emory yelled worried. Someone aimed at Soap and shot at him.

Soap used a shadow as a body shield. Emory lifted her rifle and shot at the shadows. Shooting one down but someone shot the gun out of her hands. Her body quickly falling back when something hit her chest. Sudden pain then numbness spreading through her body. "Ack!" She gasped out. "Iris!" Ghost yelled out. Soap was on the ground too. "Soap get out of here!" Soap struggled to get up. "Johnny go!" Ghost yelled. Soap pushed the body off him and ran to the edge of the road. Jumping off and sliding down. Emory going further and running into the woods. Tripping on roots and leaning on trees.

Blood trailing on the ground. A bullet in her side. Right under her lungs. She had trouble breathing as she coughed out blood. 'I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die alone.' She didn't know what to do. She limped into a house and fell to her ass. She leaned back as she stared at the nearby window. Watching for enemies. 'I don't wanna die.' She thought sadly. She was terrified of death. 'I just wanted to see them happy... And alive.' She put her hand to her mouth as she coughed. Pulling it away she looked at it. Blood decorated it. She could hear her heartbeat as she whimpered.

She gasped out for breath as she got up, struggling. She leaned on the wall as she walked down the hall. She got to a door and opened it. Coming to a large room and limping in. Suddenly a dog barked loudly. She shrieked and fell back. Causing more blood loss. Tears formed from the pain. She groaned and gasped as she struggled to get up. Backing away until she got to a wardrobe. Using it to get up. She favored her opposite side as she held the wound. She glared at the caged dog. A German shepherd.

She walked to it and kneeled down. The dog growling. "Easy. Easy." She pet the cage. The dog leaned in and licked at her hand. She smiled slightly and pulled away. She got up and limped to a large shelf. Little porcelain collectibles decorating it. She grabbed some tape on it and looked at it. She looked around and saw a door ajar. A light shining through it. She opened it and it was a bathroom. She looked around and nearly gagged at the dead body. A woman in her mid thirties lay dead with bullet wounds in her chest. She looked around and saw a large shard of glass. Grabbing it and wrapped tape around it. Making a makeshift shiv. She looked at it before spinning it and holding onto it.

She walked out and looked around for another way out of a weapon. She saw a bat but doubted she could use it with her wound. She limped over to a door and opened it. It was another hallway and led to stairs. She walked down the stairs carefully. Nearly falling at the bottom ones. Her body shaking. She got to the front door and slammed her body into it. The door slamming open as her body collapsed on the ground. Blood quickly spilling.

"This is Bravo 7-1 in the blind. Anyone copy?" She turned on to her back and gasped for air and whimpered. She gagged out blood as she turned over. Blood spilling from her mouth. She crawled away and finally got up when she got to a railing. "Soap, this is Ghost. How copy?" Ghost called into the radio. After a minute or so he tried again. "Johnny how copy?" After a couple more minutes, her heart nearly stopped. "Johnny you there?" He asked. She could hear the worry in his voice. "Copy." Soap said. He sounded in pain. "Thought we lost you." Ghost spoke. 'Almost did. Both of us.' Emory thought as she pulled her hand away. Blood sticking thick in large amounts.

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