Chapter 8

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*Bang bang bang*


Emory ducked down beside the edge of the building as bullets hit the walls. She looked at the door of the roof, seeing soldiers run up. She aimed at them and fired. Shooting them all down. "Good job kid!" Soap acknowledged her. She nodded and poked her head out and shot at the enemies down below. "These guys just won't leave us alone!" She shouted annoyed. She rather preferred the car ride. "Nothing we can do about it kid." Ghost said. He looked at the door. "Keep an eye on the door. We'll shoot below." She nodded and aimed at the door. "You're all gonna die. Your bodies will burn as your country will bur-" He yelped and grunted as Emory slammed his head into the ground.

"Tranquilo hermana. We need him well enough for answers." She nodded and aimed back at the door. Shooting down more guys that tried running up. She liked looking up every now and then, seeing the figuration of a plane up above, mowing down enemies. It must be hard because of how little the bodies down here are. And they move. Suddenly she lurched forward. A bullet hitting her back. "Ack!" All eyes turned to her as she lowered her body further so she wouldn't get shot. "Iris!" Soap yelled. He really was like a protective big brother. "You broken?!" He called out. She shook her head. "Hit the plate!" She called back.

She loaded her gun and saw a heli incoming. "That ours?" She called to Ghost. He looked over and grabbed his radio. "Shadow 0-1 how copy?" He called. "Shadow 0-1 copy, tell me what's going on Ghost." Graves called back. "Enemy heli incoming. Dropping enemy reinforcements." He explained as it got closer to the school. "Not gonna happen. Watch for debris. Shadow 0-1 out." Graves said as he got off the radio. The heli touched down on the ground but the plane shot at it with a 40 mm. Two hits making it explode, killing everyone inside. "Good hit. All reinforcements down." Soap called.

Emory ducked just in time as a bullet flew above her. "Sniper!" She shouted. Ghost aimed out and quickly took them down. "Not anymore." He said as he kept sniping people down. "Alejandro, how far's the evac." Ghost asked. "4 clicks out." Emory groaned. Why can't it go any faster. "You're all gonna pay for this." Hassan told them. "Hey Baldi." His head lifted a bit. "Don't shut the hell up I'll make sure they'll never find your body." She told him. He went silent before speaking. "You can do no such thing. I am a hostage. You are soldiers." Emory snorted. "Maybe them, not me. I am not officially a soldier. Basically a gun for hire for them. I can kill you with no repercussions." He looked shocked then looked away. She lied but he knew she was right. No one would hunt down a gun for hire. There's so many and without a name or face, they had no start.

She quickly turned when hearing footsteps and shot at the door. Taking down more guys. "It's getting heated here!" She yelled. As she shot down two more guys. Soon they heard a heli coming in. "That's ours!" Someone shouted. Suddenly someone came on the radio. "Enemy contact north bridge." She looked out at the bridge and saw a couple cars zooming their way to it. "Too bad." Graves responded as a whole load of 40 mm shot at it and made it collapse. "Can he do that? The city has to fix it now." Soap shrugged. "Dont know don't care. It gets the job done and that's all that matters." She nodded. "Okay."

Soon the heli landed on the roof and everyone ran on. Emory sat down feeling disgusted. She was covered in blood, water, dirt, mud, and maybe some oil and definitely sweat. She smelled like shit. Not as bad as everyone else but still shit. She mentally gagged at the smell as she tried holding her breath and calming her stomach. "You lot look like shit." Someone said. They were one of the passengers before they got on. "Yeah well we feel like shit. Let's get this done so we can go." Soap told them. Soap offered her his canteen. She refused. She doesn't think she can drink anything right now.

Soon the heli took off in a random direction. She doesnt know where they went. Just that they had him ready to speak at night, when all the animals were out. Emory stood by the car as Graves got the computer working. "There we go." He said as he finally accomplished it. Emory looked uncomfortable. She was so ready for a shower and change. They removed his bag from his head showing he had a dislocated nose. Blood was dripping down quickly. "The hell happened here?" Graves asked confused. He didn't remember anyone punching the guy. "Iris slammed his head into the ground.

Graves started laughing. "That's a good one kid." Hassan looked over and saw Emory. "A child? And you call me horrible." He chuckled but yelped out as Graves grabbed his nose and shook it, making his face shake left and right. "Ow!" He called out. "Let me fix it you big baby. For a terrorist you're very sensitive about pain." He snapped the nose back in place as more blood flew out. "Damn that's disgusting." He wiped his hand off as they begun interrogating. "I'm a hostage here. This is illegal. I've broken no laws, your soldiers broke the laws." He sounded so prideful and serious. Almost like he was about to laugh.

"And you put shame to your generals name." He growled at Emory when she said that. "Kid leave this to us." Graves said. She rolled her eyes and looked away. She saw Shepherd looked proud with a smile. They don't even have the missiles yet. She wonders if she says the future, what'll happen. She'd probably be arrested for knowing this stuff and sent to a mental hospital for believing she's from a different world. She sighed as she watched them try to interrogate the bastard. Watching the man freak out when they mentioned Ghorbrani's name. 'Treating his old general like family or a dad. Probably the closest one he had.' She doesn't know his past. Only his future.

"Sir killing him is an act of war and keeping him is illegal. Right now he's too hot to handle." Shepherd sighed. Graves stomped over. "Sir. Let me finish this." Shepherd refused. "As much as I would like that, Laswell's right. Return him back." He commanded. "Sir he's right there." Shepherd again refused. Ghost still messing with his phone. "Laswell please tell me you're getting some proof." She remembered the scene of her hacking it. "We got a hit." She said. "If we have a hit why don't we arrest him then?" Emory asked. "It's not a guaranteed hit. We need public affirmation." Laswell told her. 'Crossing the border and burning down a house isn't enough?' She thought. Three police officers did die. Wonder what they said to cover it up. Doubting it was covered up. If only they'd use police cams. It still wouldn't matter then because they didn't see the criminals. Only Alejandro and Rodolfo.

She groaned and rubbed her face. This has really gone to shit. "Alright. Let's take him." Alejandro looked pissed but slipped the bag back over him and dragged him away. His face smug before it got covered. "Don't worry baldi. We'll kill you soon enough." Emory growled out. The man felt no fear of her. Soap slammed the computer shut and everything was packed away. They put Hassan on a heli as the others drove away. Back to Alejandro's base. Her body tensing up, knowing what's coming. "I know Iris. We'll get him next time." Soap said. Assuming that's why she was tense. She looked out the window. She knew she'd be no acception. She might die tonight if Graves has his way.

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