Chapter 7

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Everyone stood on the rooftops. Emory looked at her phone and got a text from Gaz. He said Laswell was rescued and everything was alright. She sighed in relief. Then she looked at the big building a ways over. It looked like some kind of party was going on.  "El Sin Nombre will be there?" Ghost wanted confirmation. "Not positive but there's a chance." Alejandro responded. Graves spoke of the plan. After Alejandro refused his invasion plan. Always with violence and bloodshed first. First sneak someone inside, find El Sin Nombre and roll him up. Except it's a her. Only Emory knew but for fun purposes she kept quiet. She wanted to see how it goes down.

"I'll go." Soap spoke up. Alejandro told him they'd kill him. "We came here to find a missile, let's find it. I'll go in offering Intel in exchange for a meeting with El Sin Nombre." Alejandro smiled. She doesn't remember what he said, all she knows is he spoke Spanish. Soap had been getting lessons from him and Rodolfo in the past few weeks but Emory cared more about training. Now she could take down people quietly. Ghost even taught her to make makeshift weapons with everyday objects. Funny how she thought of weapons that wouldn't work, like hot wax in the eyes. Or even setting a bunch of oil on fire and using it like a bomb. She thinks that's what they did later on but she couldn't remember the little stuff. Only the big stuff. Like Valeria.

"You'll need someone on the inside. I'll go too." Before anyone else spoke Emory spoke up. "I'll go with you guys." All eyes turned to her shocked. "Hermana. You're a child. They'll kill you immediately." She shook her head. "I can get in perfectly fine. Trust me. Please?" She asked with puppy dog eyes. Alejandro groaned. "Fine but you have to be absolutely careful." She nodded and looked really excited. "I'll be in overwatch. Shadows be in the air for extraction." Graves shrugged. "Alright." After giving Soap his insignia he walked away. "Call me when you need me." She grumbled. 'Jackass.' She's still sour about what'll come later.

"Alright let's do this." Soap grabbed Emory. "Don't get caught. Don't get careless. These people are different than the training enemies. They will torture you." She nodded and he rubbed her head. Her helmet was off. "Better keep your helmet off and have little equipment." Both guys turned to Alejandro. "You suggest she goes in there with no protection. "No but the more she carries, the more difficult it'll be to be sneaky." She nodded and started removing her armor. "I'll just keep the under armor on." She told them.

"That still won't stop a bullet." She looked positive in herself. "I just won't get shot then." Ghist just stared at her and nodded. "I'll be looking out for you guys." Then they all separated.

*Time skip*

It was quite easy for her to get in actually. Over by the trees was a small window. Way too small for the guys but for her small body, perfectly fine. She squeezed in and looked around. It was a fancy ass hallway. She crouched and snuck down, stopping at a corner. "In position." Ghost called. "Alejandro how you doing?" Graves asked. "Vaqueros inside." He said quietly but roughly. "Holy shit how'd you pull that off?" Graves asked, as if he was surprised. "Violently." Emory snorted slightly. She loved that line. So hilarious. It has to be her favorite by far. Except for the jokes between Ghost and Soap.

"Kid how you looking?" Graves asked. He sounded worried. Everyone would be considering a young girl is in the hot zone. Enemies everywhere and heavily weaponed up while she has nothing except a silenced pistol and a knife. "I'm in. Got through a whole." Graves chuckled slightly. "Perks of being small I guess." She smiled a bit. Her height finally come to use.

She waited until the enemy turned away when she bolted to the other side and to some stairs. She climbed the stairs and went up until she got to the roof. Strange how Soap couldn't find this in the first place. She looked around and saw enemies walking around. Five of them. She squatted down and waited. She looked down at the pool seeing it completely empty. "Why have a pool when you're not gonna use it?" She asked confused. "Aesthetics?" Graves said. "Better to drown people." Ghost responded. She giggled. "Always the deadly answers." He hummed into the radio. "That's why I'm the best at my job. Kill anything when allowed." He said gruffly.

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