Chapter 11

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Never. And I mean never ask a fifteen year old to drive so far. It'll only bring you pain and sadness. Emory looked exhausted as she sat on the ground outside of the border wall. Police on the other side arresting illegal crossers. She yawned and curled up. She really wanted to sleep. Driving through the border tole thing was not a good idea. She didn't even have an ID on her. They'd arrest her right away.

She blinked away the tiredness and started climbing. She felt a burning sensation in her chest but she ignored it as she climbed. She got to the top and turned then slid down until she slipped off and landed on a bush. People this is not like the movies. The bush hurt like hell. She got up and had cuts covering her arm and neck and a couple on her cheek. She turned and walked off. Stumbling as she got to a house. Banging on the door. It suddenly opened and she fell before them. "Oh my! Little girl, are you okay?" A woman asked. She looked up to see a woman in her mid forties. "Where's... Where's the closest plane... To Chicago..?" She asked.

*Time skip*

Emory was really risking it all here. She scaled the fence and managed to sneak past security and cameras. Right outside an airplane. She looked at a phone she stole, on the airports website. Straight for Chicago. She groaned and got up. Limping to it, a stolen ticket in her hand. She got past everyone and to the gate. Everyone sitting around waiting. The person who's ticket this belongs to was unconscious in the bathroom. 'Hopefully you weren't going to something important.' She thought as she sat down. Groaning in pain. Some people looking at her weirdly. She never had time to clean up except for the car ride to the airport. She used wipes to take off the dirt and such but she still had cuts and a bandage wrap showing under her shirts collar.

She closed her eyes as she grit her teeth. The pain was hitting her now. "Video games and movies make it look easy." She grumbled to herself. She waited annoyed for the gate to open. Finally after five minutes they did. She walked up after military members went first. Fortunately they don't check ID's. She walked on and found the seat, sitting down groaning. Getting up to use the bathroom. Using it quickly before they could take off. She quickly washed her wounds and grabbed some paper towels for later use. Rushing back to her seat. Sitting down and buckling up.

"Ma'am are you okay? Do you need me to call the hospital?" A stewardess asked. She quickly shook her head. "Just some water and pain meds please. I fell on the way here." It was the truth. She nodded and left quickly. Glancing at the woman beside her. "Yes?" She asked. The woman pulled out a snack. "Thought you'd be hungry." It was a honey comb. Emory smiled at her, taking it. "Thank you." The woman smiled back and went onto her phone. The stewardess returning with a water bottle and two pain meds. She quickly left to help a man with his suitcase.

Emory swallowed the meds with the help of the water. Hopefully this gets her to Chicago before everything goes down. She closed her eyes as tiredness filled her. They'll wake her up when she gets there.

*Time skip*

"Excuse me." Emory jolted awake. The stewardess jumped at the sudden awakening. "Y-yes?" Emory asked as she rubbed her eye. "We've arrived. Please gather your things and be ready to exit the plane." She nodded as the lady walked away. Her honeycomb gone. 'Weird.' She thought. She looked down at her cuts. Bandaids on the smaller ones and the rest in bandages. She looked around to see who helped her. No one looking at her. 'Weirder... But nice.' She unbuckled as the unbuckle light turned on. The door opened. "Please leave your seats and exit the plane in a calm and orderly fashion. Thank you for riding Americair  and have a nice day." (Idk I just used a random name)

She didn't wait. Running off. "Ma'am slow down!" Someone yelled but she didn't listen and kept going. She ran out and towards security. Going into the bathroom and breaking open the ceiling. Jumping up and crawling through to another room on the otherside. Jumping down then running out. Her chest hurting again. She kept ignoring it as she ran. She has to get there immediately.

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