Chapter 6

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Emory seemed excited as their flight to Mexico was soon coming to an end. Soap seemed confused but didn't argue since she's a kid. Every kid is excited about a move. Especially to another country. "We're allowed in another country?" She asked Ghost and Soap. "Yes. This fights on both American and Mexican soil. Plus we have people who can allow us to work on outward territory." Ghost rolled his eyes. "It's Mexico Soap. Not another planet." Soap sighed. "Might as well consider it seeing as they see us as threatening killing machines."

Emory giggled slightly. The plane shaking a bit. "ETA in two minutes." The pilot called back. Soap and Ghost both got up and put their bags on. Emory shot up, throwing her bag on. Almost falling from the weight. Ghost helped adjust her back up. "Careful kid, or it'll seem like all that training was for nothing." She pouted and huffed. Soap chuckled. The ship finally landed. The door opened. The three walked off into the sunlight as heat rained down on them. A man standing below. "Alejandro!" Soap yelled, announcing his presence. It's like when best friends see each other again. Yell out their names. "Sergeant Mactavish!" He shouted back. Okay maybe not best friends. He shook hands with Soap. "Call me Soap." Soap smiled. Alejandro pulled away and looked at Ghost. "Lieutenant. Laswell says they call you Ghost." Soap spoke up.

"Actually I think he prefers-", "That'll do!" Emory laughed at this. Alejandro looked at her. "You must be Iris." She nodded and they shook hands. "Yes colonel." He chuckled. "No need. Just call me Alejandro." She nodded and he lead them to a line of cars. She didn't pay attention and looked around since you can't in the game. There's like the plane houses. She doesn't remember what they're called. The Los Vaqueros spoke to each other casually as they got closer. They seemed to be joking or holding an actual serious conversation.

Before she knew it, the door opened. Soap hopped in first. Emory next and Ghost last. "Everyone. This is Sergeant Major Rudolfo Parra." Rudolfo looked back at them. "I'm afraid of Ghost's hermano." Alejandro glanced back. "You know Spanish?" He asked. "No." Soap said. Ghost shrugged and Emory shook her head. "You will." Oh she knew they would. Ghost spoke Spanish by the end of the mission. She remembered it and it was really funny. They started driving away. Emory tapped her legs as she watched out the window on Soaps side. "What's a kid doing in the military?" He asked. It was surprising seeing as it's the American army.

"They saved me. I was a valuable asset according to Laswell." She said as she glanced to Alejandro. "And do you think you're a valuable asset?" He asked. She hummed as she looked at her hands. Was she? She didn't do army things as well as the others and couldn't really help in missions. She really was trying though. She opened her mouth to speak but Ghost beat her to it. "Originally she was a hostage for the enemy.  She was just a kid when they had her." Rudolfo spoke up. "She's still a kid el fantasma." He spoke Spanish again. Probably Ghost because fantasma sounds like a supernatural thing.

Ghost slightly glared. Emory giggled at the teasing. "How're you liking military life hermana?" Alejandro asked as he looked back. She sighed. "It does get stressful. Especially because of my noodle arms." Rudolfo snorted at that comment. "But I'm getting there. I'm quite smart so anything with intellect I can at least accomplish at." He sighed. "This is all physical hermana. Are you sure you can do this?" He asked. She nodded. "Sì." He laughed. "There we go! Learning something new everyday." He looked out the window as they stopped. Graffiti over some dead bodies covered in a white blanket.

"It's a sign of marking territory. El sin Nombre." She quickly looked to him then down. She remembers. Valeria is El sin Nombre. She hopes nothing changes with her here. Emory held her head as she felt stressed. Has she messed up their plans? Their future? What has changed since then? Well finding her is a big one. Placing her on the team and training so damn much. She saw the general first. She is meeting Alejandro today. What's she gonna mess with next?

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