Chapter 5

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Emory had dreamt of back home. Her family, her school. She lost everything before being sent here. She could imagine her mother sobbing over her death. She didn't know what her father would do. Probably bury himself in more work from the guilt of ignoring his daughter all his life. She could smile at the thought of him suffering. Her school probably didn't care. She's just another student that's easily replacable. Which by the way is totally not true.

A bump suddenly awoke her. The plane had landed. She slept that entire time!? Wow. She got up and Graves patted her shoulder. Everyone walked down the lamp. It was very bright... and hot. "I don't know how you guys can stay in this heat in these clothes for so long." They laughed except for Ghost. "Better get going kid. Don't wanna fail your first mission." She quickly ran after Ghost with a squeak. Graves chuckled as his team started opening a shipping container. "Careful boys. Don't wanna die just yet." The others responded loudly.

*Time skip*

Emory laid on the ground next to Ghost at a cliff. He held a binocular type of device. "Armed guard and one VIP." He told Laswell. He then handed her the binoculars. She smiled and took them. Looking at the base. The view coming into focus. "Is Ghorbani a really old guy with greyish white hair?" She asked. Ghost nodded. "Lots of old people have that trait Iris." She rolled her eyes then looked through. "I think thats him." Ghost quickly took them back and looked through. "Good eyes on ya kid. Laswell. Got a positive ID on Ghorbani." She told our team to wipe him out. Graves accepted the command. "Ghost, Iris. Your close to the danger zone. Missiles gonna pack a punch." Ghost remained unmoving. "Copy that Graves. Fire when ready." Graves copied and counted down before sending off the rocket. "Wanna see some fireworks kid?" He glanced to her then at the base. She's never seen a missile explode before so she's totally excited. She got close and watched. Ghost keeping her head down but far enough so she can still see and still be safe.

"Impact in three, two, one." There was a sudden explosion. Emory felt herself move slightly but Ghost kept a hold on her. "Gotcha kid." He sat up and grabbed his radio. "Command that's a hit. Target neutralized." She could practically hear Graves cheer and congradulate his men. Ghost stood up and helped Emory up. She still looked at the explosion with a type of fascination in her eyes. "Come on kid. We don't want to be here any longer than we need to." Ah yes. That's right. They're not under U.S space right now. Otherwise the whole damned military would be on their asses. Emory nodded and followed him back down the small canyon. "Ghost reporting to Graves. We're on our way back now." She hummed happily. She got to see the missile actually fire! That's so insane! "Stay with us kid. This won't be your last mission." Emory squealed and skipped along. Now that was exciting.

*Time skip*

Emory had changed into a large short and pants that Laswell lended her. They absolutely dwarfed her but she completely refused any jackets to cover her and make her look somewhat normal. She sat down in the mess hall or rather tent in this case. The whole team was there. "How'd your first mission go kid?" Soap asked. She opened her mouth but Ghost spoke over her. "She spotted the damned target first. She's realy good on searching for things." Price thought back to the intel she had grabbed that day. "Yeah. Seems she is. For a child you're rising high in the food chain." Emory only understood that it could be sent as a compliment or an insult. She's seen what these men can do. So she's taking it as both.

Suddenly she yawned. It was pretty late despite sleeping through the ride. Graves would NOT shut up about war stories. "Looks like it's Iris's bed time." Emory rolled her eyes. "That nickname'll die fast. Just watch." She grumbled. Soap laughed. "That's exactly what we have to do." She punched his shoulder. "Aww. Didn't break your tiny little hand?" He teased. "Oh, I'll break my hand alright. When I shove it up your-" Price yelled up. "Iris. Bed. Now. You need rest." She huffed and stood up before leaving. "Maybe we should let up on the kid. They've been getting shit ever since we saved her." Gaz said. At least he tried to reason.

Meanwhile Emory walked to the female bunks and walked in. Suddenly all the females started coddling her. She growled and pushed through to her bunk. She climbed in and laid above her blanket. Not wanting to be too hot. She curled up until something soft got placed against her arms. She quickly opened her eyes and saw a plush blue and pink bunny. It was half and half but so fluffy and soft. She gently took it and looked at who gave it to her, only seeing a single female walking away. She smiled and hugged it close. It smelt so nice. She finally relaxed and darkness filled her vision. She felt so tired. She fell asleep immediately.

*Time skip*

Emory choked on air as someone suddenly grabbed her arm. She lurched back and tried to punch them but they caught her arm. "Easy kid. You'll be late if you sleep in any longer." She glanced to a clock one of the females left here and saw it was four in the morning. "Late? It's super early." She complained. He chuckled. Her eyes got used to the dark and recognized Gaz. He helped her up. "No need to change. We're just doing some drills." She followed him out after putting some socks and shoes on. Everyone for the 141 was there except Soap and Ghost. She looked confused. "They're on a mission right now." She nodded in understanding. "Listen up!" Another soldier shouted. She didn't recognize this man. "You're going to undergo some perilous training for the next few hours." He spotted Emory. "What the hell is this?" He asked as he motioned to her. "Iris sergeant. Our civilian member of the group. Orders by General Sheperd and Laswell sergeant." The sergeant hummed before walking away. 'Well that didn't blow up in my face. Wonder when it'll come bite me in the ass.' She thought as the sergeant walked away.

*Time skip*

The Sergeant divided them into groups. Iris with the weaker group. They had them run laps and jump hurdles. They did wrestling and hand to hand combat training. They had her hold her breath under water multiple times as she tried to swim to the finish first. It took almost a whole month.

Ghost and Soap had already arrived back to the base when she started getting good. They had pulled her into a room with dummies and a training mat on the floor. "Getting good may be adequate enough for the military but not for the 141. You have to specially prepared for anything." Soap budded in. "If your team mate is down and taking heavy fire, if you're injured but being hunted, if you have to take down an elite soldier, if you have to carry important intelligence up a radio tower. Anything is fucking possible, and believe me. It's possible. You have to know more than just the basics."

Ghost had shown her how to take down a funny, Ghost style. Shown her the specialized ways of holding a combat knife. He showed her how to sneak through the darkness to take down enemies.

"These people may be bigger than you. And maybe smarter." She just stared at Gaz as he spoke. Walking back and forth before her. "But they will underestimate you. They won't know your ways and your style. You can overpower anyone with just raw strength." Price walked in. "Or tactile." Gaz nodded. "That too. You just need to be able to take them down before they take you down. Once you're pinned it's a thousand times harder to get back up."

She ran races with the boys around the base constantly in the span of three weeks. Her legs have never felt so much like jelly before and her lungs have never burned as bad as they did. But it's getting there. Emory worked harder and harder to get better. Eventually her shooting gained better accuracy and reaction times. She grinned as she got better and better. Almost as good as Soap but soon her training was cut short. "Listen up. The leads we have with Hassan has taken us to Las Almas Mexico. Soap, Ghost, and Emory will be going. Philip Graves and Shadow team will station there for backup and reinforcements." Soaps eyebrow twitched. "The kid's only had a short while to train. I don't think she's ready. Especially facing Hassan." He told her.

"You're taking her. Enough arguing." Soap grumbled. "Emory. Pack up. You'll be staying there for a while." She nodded. "In case he something happens you'll stay there even after 141 leaves. They'll train you too. I've heard great things from them." She nodded. She was very excited. "Meetings over." Laswell left as Price sighed. He rubbed his eyes. "Go pack kid. Gaz will help you." She giggled. "Okay!" She ran off. Gaz chuckling as he followed. "What is Laswell doing to the kid?" Price asked quietly. "Turning them into a soldier is what." Ghost told him. "We don't need another kid with a sad story. She should've grown up a normal life." Both men felt bad. All because of those Russians. Not really though because she transfered into their universe but oh well.

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