꧁ Chapter Six: Iris of Gold ꧂

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Jacob could not believe the divine sight his eyes were showing him

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Jacob could not believe the divine sight his eyes were showing him. He shook his head, yet still, there he stood.
It was like paradise.
Everywhere he looked was cast in a golden glow.
At first his eyes had ached, not used to the bright.
But now it was as though he was seeing colour for the first time again.

Amber trees swayed from side-to-side and he stood on a sandy, rocky plain, yellow tents ahead and waterfalls that fell from cliff edges like pouring milk.

The temperature was incredibly soothing, it was like living a daydream, a soft and gentle aura that felt too heavenly to be real.
Was he dreaming?
This realm was so hypnotic it almost put him to sleep.

"Excuse me?" came a voice, but Jacob was too dazed to respond, or even utter a sound. "Are you okay?"
But once his eyes fell on her he fell into unconsciousness.
He didn't know if it was because of how often he'd used the portal recently, or because of the Realm of Luminosity's mesmerising beauty.

He later awoke, with the glorious sunlight streaming in through the yellow fabric.
Immediately, he was handed a round ceramic bowl that appeared to have some kind of liquid in it.
"Water. From the lagoon. It's good for the mind," that same voice spoke.
He looked up from her, struggling to sit up.
Her irises were golden, like glitter, and her skin a rich dark brown.
"Feel better?"
Jacob nodded.

"Whoa, what is this place?" he heard a familiar voice ask from outside. Izuri.
"Pinch me," another said. It was Xander.
"Those are my friends,"
"Is that so?" the girl stood up and left to greet Xander and Izuri.
He heard the three of them laugh about something he didn't quite manage to catch onto.
"I don't blame him, I'm blessed to have lived here my whole life," the girl said as they continued to laugh.
Xander must have told her how he'd wanted to set foot in the Realm of Luminosity his whole life.

He didn't realise it until he stood up and walked towards the tents flapping doors, but  outside no longer lied rocky sand but a marble-like surface coated in a thin, blue water that looked iridescent from some angles.
Jacob gasped, awestruck once more.
How could this place even exist?

"Oh, nice to meet you!" he heard her say. He was surprised they were only just introducing each other. "I'm Oraya," she said
"Nice to meet you," Jacob said, pushing through the tent doors, his skin met by the calming breezes from the east.
Oraya smiled, not expecting to see him just yet.
Jacob guessed that Xander and Izuri had already introduced themselves, because after that, Oraya insisted to show them around.

"So, this is your first time here?" She asked, smiling.
Xander suddenly looked panicked, his eyes screaming at Jacob and Izuri not to say a word, and to let him handle this.
That's probably because it was widely known across all three realms that interdimensional travel was a sin, and punishable by death.
But everyone back in the Realm of Darkness understood the consequences of them not leaving their dying realm they didn't hold anyone accountable for it.
Which was how Kalselwyn was able to get away with building his portal all his life.

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