Chapter 5

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"How are you finding Kings Landing?"

Pinning another braid up in Rhaenyras hair, you let out a small sigh. "It's. . . Loud. I much prefer Dragonstone and it's constant waves and fresh air."

"I grew up here as you know, but it wasn't until we left for Dragonstone did I realize how much noise there is as well." The Princess agreed, catching your eyes in the mirror set before the two of you. "Have Jace and Luke taken you on a proper tour of the Keep yet? I do hope your not wandering around lost when you're not at my side."

"They have, though I'm quite certain they took a couple wrong turns at one point because they both had confused expressions for several hallways."

"I wouldn't be surprised. They often got lost when they were little. I had to send Ser Harwin to go find them on several occasions." The Princess laughed, earning a fond smile from you.

The few times she had talked about him to you, she always had a fond smile on her face. You knew she missed him, as did Jace and Luke.

It wasn't long before you were following behind her down to breakfast, a simple sky blue dress hugging your form as you did. She had insisted you wear it. She never had been fond of you wearing the plain usual attire of other handmaidens. She had also done your hair up in a simple braided hairdo. You had protested but eventually gave in.

"I have yet to have a daughter of my own, who I can braid her hair and dress. You help with that."

She had spoken of it so simply while doing your hair that you almost didn't catch her meaning, but you did- and your heart swelled.



"I think Prince Aemond suspects something of me." You spoke out of nowhere, having needed to get the words out that had been stuck in your throat.

"I highly doubt it my dear."

"But he watches me. I can feel his eyes on me whenever I'm in the room." You sighed, stopping in your tracks, your Princess doing the same a second later when she realized.

"Y/N, my dear." Walking back towards you, she slipped your hands into hers. "He is a boy and you are a beautiful young girl. I assure that whatever looks he cast your way are in no way suspicious. He must harbor a fondness for you." She explained softly with an event softer smile.

As she turned back around and continued walking, you brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "I highly doubt that"

Upon entering the courtyard behind Rhaenyra, you found yourself almost immediately cornered by the older Targaryen Prince.


You had yet to exchange words with him but you could tell he was awful just from the few times you had been in the same room as him.

"Lady Y/N, is it? I don't think we have had the pleasure of meeting." He smiled, taking your hand and placing a wet kiss to the top of it before you could pull away.

You held back a grimace, plastering a fake smile onto your face.

"I don't think we have Prince Aegon. And the pleasure is all mine."

It took everything in you to not punch him in the jaw as you watched his eyes take over your figure, undressing you in his mind.

Gods, this boy was awful in every sense of the word.

"If you're ever feeling lonely around the Keep, you are more than welcome to visit my chambers in the evening."

Oh lord, you didn't know how much more you could take and you hadn't even been in the courtyard for a full minute.

"Aegon, leave her alone. I believe she's had enough of your antics to last a lifetime."

You almost choked on air at the sudden voice of Aemond. He had appeared out of nowhere, still clad in black, arms folded securely behind his back.

He was like a shadow- but even shadows had more personality than him.

"I was simply getting better acquainted with our half sisters lovely handmaiden, brother. She's quite a beauty isn't she?"

Being held under Aemonds iron gaze, Aegon finally gave in with a sigh, shoving past his brother. Turning his head, Aemond watched him go.

"So no thank you for saving you from my insufferable brother?"

"I could have managed myself thank you very much. He isn't the first person to talk or look at me like that. And he certainly won't be the last." You explained plainly, brushing off your dress as if Aegon had dirtied it with merely his eyes.

"And how exactly would you have managed?" He pried, taking another step closer.

"If your suggesting I was going to hit him your wrong, though I certainly would have liked to- sometimes using words alone can get even the foulest person off your back."

And for the first time ever, you heard Aemond laugh. It was short and quiet but a laugh non the less.

"You really have no fear when it comes to speaking do you? No matter how much trouble it might get you into."

"I've been weaseling my way out of situations like this since I was small. Once you know how people act you can find ways to get out of anything." You explained, folding your hands in front of you as you looked up at Aemond and caught his eye, not a shred of fear in your own.

"You are an interesting little thing, aren't you?"

"indeed I am."

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