Chapter 17

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"Thank you for the thread Della, I'll return it to you in the tomorrow evening." With a gentle smile you cupped your hand around the spool of golden thread you had asked to borrow from one of the Red Keeps seamstresses.

It was late. Too late.

It had been almost two days since that morning on the beach with Aemond, the two of you having yet to cross paths again. You had ventured down to the caves last night but the Prince never showed.

"No rush. I have no need of it right now. I'll come fetch it if I do."

Allowing your arms to retreat back into the warmth of your cloak, you gave her one last nod before heading towards your chamber.

This late at night the corridors of the Red Keep felt like a tomb. Despite the fire light dancing from the endless torches it was as quiet and unmoving as a grave.

That why when you heard the sound of footsteps you nearly jumped out of your skin. Almost dropping the thread gripped in your hand you spun on the spot, looking back the way you had come from. All you were met with was a vacant corridor.

"Della? Is that you?"

When no answer came, your eyes narrowed. You could have sworn you had heard someone.

You stood there a moment more, looking out from underneath the hood of your cloak before hesitantly turning and being on your way, completely unaware of the shadowy figure hiding just beyond your line of sight, a set of pale green eyes glued to your back.


"A hunt? What do I have to do with that?" Too busy with your needlework to look up, you listened as a set of boots were kicked up onto the table across from you.

"Because it's a royal tradition and you're our mothers handmaiden so you have to come along."

Humming a response you pulled your needle through the leather in your hand. "So you're telling me that for the next three days I get to sit in a tent with a bunch of ladies of the court in the middle of the woods while you get to have fun hunting with all the men?"

"Well that is your duty so yes."

Peering up from your handiwork you looked over at Jace, and then Luke. . . Who was too busy picking grapes out of a bowl and looking out your window to notice.

"Luke, are you going to back me up here?"

At the sound of his name, the younger of the two brothers whipped around, cheeks full of ripe green grapes. "Wha?"

"Oh for gods sake, have you not been listening to what we have been talking about at all?" You sighed, "I was hoping you would side with me on this."

From across the table, Jace let out a laugh, crossing his arms as he did. "Why did you think Luke would side with you on this?"

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