Chapter 12

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The hot waters of the servant bathhouse was exactly what you needed. It was still early, allowing you to have the place to yourself as you lay on your back in complete bliss. There was nothing like the feeling of hot water against bare skin. It was calming and relaxing in every way.
Sinking to your knees in the warm water you allowed your nails to scrub at your scalp, freeing the sand from your hair. You had already scrubbed the rest of your skin raw bt it felt as if it was needed.
You allowed yourself a few more moments of bliss before hauling your sore and naked body from the waters. With only a rag to dry yourself down with you got to work, leaving the rest to be dried by the cool air of the lower levels of the Keep.
With your training leathers back on and buckled into place, you pulled your cloak tightly around you, doing your best to hide your garb from the curious eyes of the servants and guards that would be beginning their rounds.
The corridors had become immensely easier to navigate within the past week, though you were lucky that the sun was on the rise and the first rays were breaking through the windows. It was much more difficult in the evening when the light diminished.
"You. Stop right there."
You froze, the sudden commanding voice making your blood run cold. No, you didn't need this right now. If you were caught like this Princess Rhaenyra would have a hard time explaining it. . . And Daemon, well you didn't want to face his fury either.
"Let me see your face."
If the gods were real, you sent a quick prayer to them, begging for help to get you out of this.
You had barely turned around fully before your hood was yanked back by a gloved hand and you were met with the steel gaze of Criston Cole.
"Ser Criston! Forgive me, I was just on my way back from the bathhouse."
At least that wasn't a lie.
"My apologize Lady, your dark cloak seemed out of place in these halls." Ser Criston released his hand from your hood, taking in your wet hair.
"Forgive me, it's the only one I have and I was hoping to hide myself from the wandering gazes of the other guards."
Trying to be as subtle as possible, you pulled the cloak tighter around your collar and praying that your boots could not be seen either.
"No need to apologize. Be on your way."
With a relived sigh you turned, thanking the gods. . . Except you had barely made it a yard before he called out again.
"You are the handmaiden who caught Prince Aemonds sword are you not?"
Mumbling a string of curses under your breath you turned once more. "I am. But trust me when I say I was as startled as the rest of you." You lied, "my mother and father always did say I had quick reflexes. I never believed them until that moment."
Ser Criston hummed in response, allowing you to give him a light curtsy before turning and rushing off down the corridor.
What you didn't pay attention to was the way his eyes followed you cautiously until you disappeared around the corner.
Your legs and lungs were burning by the time you got to your chamber, collapsing against the hard wood of the door once it was closed behind you. You let your heels slide across the stone floor, you slid to your butt with a heavy breath.
Shit. Shit. That wasn't good.
The last thing you needed was Queen Alicents guard dog breathing down your neck. If he figured anything out you were done for. You would be in chains before Rhaenyra even had the chance to defend you. You were supposed to be a pain handmaiden, nothing more. It was a job that didn't attend to pull eyes.
You had to be more careful.
The sheer exhaustion of your late night and even earlier morning clearly got to you because you woke a couple hours later still on the floor, the sound of knocking on your door making you pick your head up.
"Y/N, open up!"
Scooting back from the door, you reached up to unlatch it, pulling it open just enough to look up at him.
Jacaerys looked down at you, clearly confused. "Why are you on the floor?"
Grabbing the edge of his jacket you pulled him through the gap in your door with a tired sigh. Shutting the door behind him, you fell back against it once more.
"Where you. . . Sleeping on the floor?"
"Not my proudest moment but yes."
Crouching down Jacaerys balanced on the balls of his feet, wrists resting perfectly on his bent knees.
"Care to inform me why?"
"I'm tired beyond belief Jace. That is all." Letting out a yawn you rubbed the sleep from your eyes. You almost didn't notice when his eyes fell to the leather outfit you were still in, his pupils widening.
"What were you doing?" His voice making it sound like a warning.
Shit. It wasn't even breakfast yet and you day just kept getting shittier. You should have taken of your training wear before falling asleep.
". . . Nothing."
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Jacaerys let out a deep sigh. "Did anyone see you?"
"No. I swear."
That was a lie.
"I swear Jace, I simply went down to the beach to practice last night. No one saw me." You continued to lie through your teeth, hating that it was a friend of yours you had to lie to. "I'm going crazy here. You know how I miss training. I'm growing restless."
"We'll be back at Dragonstone within a fortnight. Until then try to be careful."
"I will, I promise." You spoke, reaching out to squeeze his hand.
You couldn't tell him about your outings with Aemond. Firstly he would be insanely mad at you and two? Two, he would never forgive you for even speaking to him, let alone rushing off into the dark of night with him.
"My mother has sent me to come and fetch you."
Shooting straight up, you rose to your feet. "What does she need? Am I late?"
"What? No. She told me to tell you to take your time. She's just waiting for you in her chambers." Jace explained, rising to meet you. "I would suggest changing out of those clothes though. You don't want her asking questions."
You stepped back with a sigh of relief, opening the door once more for him. "Don't worry, I will."
"I'll notify her that you're on your way."
And with that he was gone.
You peeled off your training clothes quickly, discarding them onto the vacant chair besides the fireplace as you slipped back into a plain loose fitted dress and a pair of shoes.
You made your way quickly down the corridor and up the set of stairs to the level above you, pulling up your skirts slightly so you didn't step on them.
Even though you were told to take your time you couldn't help but rush. When your Princess called on you you didn't waver.
When you arrived at the door you stopped, allowing yourself a moment to run your hands down your dress, hoping to work out any wrinkles. You barely had time to knock twice before Rhaenyra opened the door, greeting you with one of her soft smiles.
"Jace said you would be on your way." Ushering you into the room, she closed the door behind you. ". . . Did you run here? You seem out of breath."
"I may have." You nodded sheepishly, earning a light laugh from the princess.
"That's quite a lot of stairs to run up."
"Yes it is Princess."
"Here, sit down." Rhaenyra crossed the room, pulling out a vacant chair from the circular dining table that sat in near the balcony of her chambers.
"If you are thinking your in trouble, you are not. Do not worry."
"Thank the gods." Sinking down into the chair, you let out a breath you didn't know you had been holding. For a moment you had been afraid Jace had said something. . . But you were quick to realize he would never do such a thing.
You didn't even seem fazed when Rhaenyra ran her fingers though your hair before beginning to weave it into an intricate braid.
"We are having lunch in the courtyard later, I would like you to be there."
"Of course Princess."
"But not as a handmaiden."
You raised an eyebrow though Rhaenyra could not see it.
"I want you to be seen as my ward as well."
"May I ask why Princess?"
"Alicent grows weary of you. She does not understand my attachment to you. You need to gain her trust. I have already informed her that I have taken you on as my ward as well."
Taking a deep breath you nodded. Queen Alicent made you uneasy, even when she was not in the room. How you were supposed to win her over you had no idea.
"What would you like me to do?"
"Be a lady of Brightwater. You still come from a noble house. She seems to forget that and I do not like her belittling you. Show her how brilliant you are."
"I will do my best Princess."
Rhaenyra nodded before smoothing her hands over your shoulders, signaling that she was done with your hair.
"Here, I had something made for you." Crossing the room, she picked up a dress that had been laid out across her bed, holding it up for you to see.
It was stunning to say the least. Much nicer than the usual clothing that a handmaiden would wear. You walked slowly across the room, taking in the item the future queen of Westeros had made specifically for you.
It was a beautiful sky blue gown with billowing sleeves and neckline that would show off you collarbone clearly. Flowers of an even deeper blue had been woven along the hems, melding with threads of reddish orange.
The colors of your house.
"Princess I cannot accept this. I do not deserve it."
"You do. You are a lady of Brightwater are you not?"
When no answer came from your lips, Rhaenyra sent you another kind smile.
"Consider it a gift for being the most brilliant of handmaidens. I could not ask for anyone better."
"You are too kind Princess." Your words soft as you were still unable to believe it. "I will wear it with honor."
"I know you will."

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