Chapter 21

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Aemond had been pacing. It was all he had been doing since returning to the river. Overhead the cloud were beginning to gather, blocking out the moon as distant thunder rumbled on the horizon.

You were late.

And if you weren't careful the two of you would be walking back in a storm. This was unlike you.

Aemond stopped pacing, ignoring the tracks he had made in the sand of the riverbank as he gazed down at the small fire before him.

Maybe you weren't coming.

Maybe his attempt at a gift had made you uneasy. Maybe you wanted nothing to do with him now. Gods, he had fucked everything up now. He had finally found the first person to not treat him like a child or prince and he had scared them off.

You were the first and only person to treat him like an equal. You did not hold back because he was a prince nor did you turn away in horror and disgust when looking at his scar.

For the first time in a very long time, he had found someone he could fully be himself around. He liked to think that if you had met when you were young we you would have been friends. That he could have had someone who didn't constantly tease him for not having a dragon or how he liked to read and learn.

Aemond had never wished to best you during all those late nights sparring in that cave. He only ever wanted to be your equal.

You challenged him, you brought out part of him he did not even know existed. You had cracked someone wide open inside of him.

All Aemond wanted was to be back in that cave with your body and sword pressed against his as he fought with everything in him to match you.

Digging deep into his cloak, he pulled out the eyepatch you had given him, the light from the fire licking across the golden threads woven across the surface like cracks upon glass. He was used to gifts, but non with so much thought and dedication put into them. This was for him and him alone.

Realization hit him like a bolt of summer lightning, racing down his spine and into his feet.

Oh seven hells.

Despite your seemingly nonstop snarky comebacks and lack of ladylike manners. . . You had somehow managed to take half his heart in your hands and run off with it.

Somewhere in the distance shouts and yells could be heard over the rushing of the Blueburn. Tiny flickers of light shone through the dense trees and it only took Aemond a moment to realize they were not lamp-bugs.

Aemond moved quickly, stomping out the small fire as he shoved the eyepatch back into the confines of the pouch on his belt. Pulling his hood further over his eyes, he rushed quietly back into the trees and turned towards camp.


The first thing you noticed as you slowly came back around was that you were no longer in the cold waters of the Blueburn. Your hair was still wet though, droplets of water running down your face every few seconds.

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