Chapter 8

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Something had shifted in the air after last night. Instead of doing what you usually did by simply ignoring Aemonds presence, you instead chose to face it head on. When you felt him staring, you would stare right back- almost as if it was a little game, seeing who could break the contact first. When you walked through the halls behind Rhaenyra and passed the one eyed Prince you made sure he noticed, your eyes bearing in on him with in an intense fire.

He had stated that you were a snake and if that was so, that's would you would be.

You didn't even have to ponder whether you would meet him in the evening like he had asked. . . Or more like commanded. You would show up, play his stupid game (whatever it was) and leave him on his knees.

And so that's how you found yourself wrapped in your cloak and with your hood pulled over your head as you departed your chamber at a quarter past midnight.

Though the torches and overhead chandeliers were still lit, the halls of the Red Keep were hauntingly empty. It was almost odd in a way. You were so used to the bustling nobles and servants that occupied the place during the day that the emptiness almost felt wrong. You nearly jumped out of your skin when an orange tabby cat crossed your path, disappearing as quickly as it had come. You had lost count the amount of times you came across cats in the Red Keep. It seemed as if there were dozens everywhere.

"You're late."

Looking up you set your sights on Aemond, the Prince leaning against the wall right besides the entrance to the servant quarters. His arms folded gently against his chest as he let his one eye connect with your gaze.

"I arrived exactly when I meant to, Prince Aemond." You responded flatly, closing the distance between you as you walked down the hall. "Now, why did you want me here?"

"Follow me." Reaching over, he pulled a torch from its place on the wall before turning down the tight hallway. Before you could protest he turned once more, his lone eye reflecting the firelight has he looked at you. "Do try and be quiet. The last thing I need is trying to explain this."

The servant hallway was much smaller than the grand ones that you were familiar to. This one was tighter, barely wide enough to allow to people to walk side by side.

Eventually after leading you through what felt like a maze of narrow hallways, Aemond turned the two of you down a set of stairs. . . And you could immediately tell you were no longer in the walls of the Keep. The air was colder, and smelled of stale earth. And as a chill breeze moved past you an eerie whistle came with it, telling you that wherever this lead it was outside.

"You're not planning on murdering me are you? Because I'd rather you didn't." You finally spoke up, following Aemonds torch as he led you down the damp tunnel path.

"No. I've already told you that." The Prince looked over his shoulder momentarily as he spoke.

"Well forgive me if I don't entirely trust you. You have yet to earn it."

You were almost surprised when a moment later Aemond led you out of the tunnel and onto the moonlight shoreline. Your back to the cliffs that propped up the Red Keep. The air was fresher out here, thick with the smell of sea salt and damp sand.

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