Chapter 11

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"At least tell me why you bother to wear an eyepatch." You stopped at the entrance to the cavern, pulling down the hood of your cloak as you did.

It had taken almost an hour for you to find your way down here again. This time Aemond wasn't waiting for you like last time, which only made you mildly annoyed.

Aemond turned, the Prince squatting on the ground as he tended to the fire against the far wall of the cave. Dropping the stick he was using as a firepoker, he rose to his feet.

"Did you get lost?"

"I took a few wrong turns, but I made it didn't I?"

Aemond hummed, striding towards you as he watched you unbuckle your cloak, tossing it to the side. He almost faltered in his steps at the sight in front of him.

"What are you wearing?"

Glancing down at the leather trousers fitted to your legs and the sleeveless vest buttoned around your chest, along with the white tunic poking out from underneath .you raised an eyebrow.

"My sparring clothes. If you think I'm going to fight in a dress again you really do have rocks in your brain. I ended up finding sand in places I do not want sand." you explained, rolling up your sleeves as you did.

Aemond tilted his head, taking you in. Your hair had been put back into a simple braid, and the clothing itself fit to your form like a glove, including the belt that held an empty sheath.

Aemond hated it. He hated it that he found you pretty in this moment. He would rather cut off his own tongue than even admit it to himself.

Curse you. Curse you for coming to Kings Landing and throwing his life off balance.

"You don't have a sword."

"Well of course I don't have a sword you absolute dunce. You think I could sneak through the castle like this with a sword? I can only do so much." as you spoke you watched the momentary startled expression cross Aemonds face. He was not used to being spoken to like that. It was plain to see.

"I still have the swords from the other night." He spoke up a moment later, pulled back to reality. You watched him backtrack to grab one of the swords leaning against the wall, tossing it towards you. You caught it with ease, fingers gripping the handle as you spun it.

"But seriously, why do you wear the eyepatch? You don't seem like a person to care what other people think."

Aemond turned away from you, running his thumb over his own blade. In truth he hated his own reflection and he did care what others thought. . . But he would never tell you that.

"I don't want to scare the ladies of the court. My mother raised me to be a gentleman. It is only proper."

All words ceased from from your lips, allowing you to fall silent. You had to admit, it was sweet how he did try and be a gentleman. . . at least to the ladies of the court.

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