Chapter 19

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If you scream I will put out your eye."

Eyes widening in the dark, you bit down on the person hand still covering your mouth, earning a hiss as he pulled it back.

And then the darkened figure slapped you.

"What in the seven hells?!" You whispered, eyes squinting into the sea of blackness at the person kneeling besides your cot.

"Must you use your teeth?"

Oh for fucks sake.

Sitting upright, you let the furs covering you fall. "Aemond?!"

"Do be quiet."

Giving him a harsh shove you rose from your cot, "what the fuck are you doing?"

Aemond shushed you again, and as your eyes became slightly adjusted to the darkness around you, you could see him kneel to the floor and take something out of his pocket. There was the distinct sound of steel striking stone and suddenly a small flame leapt forth, securely tucked away in a lantern Aemond must have brought with him.

Thus came the very awkward situation as the Prince looked up and you looked down. The obvious thing in the tent being that you practically had no clothes on.

Aemonds eyes raked up your body before quickly going to meet your eyes. The two of you looked at eachother for an uneasy moment before your quickly rushed forward and blew the candle within the lantern back out, missing the way Aemonds cheeks had gained a deep red tint.

"Forgive me. I did not expect you to be—"

"Practically buck ass nude?" Finishing the sentence for him, you rose back up to your full height.

". . . Yes." Aemonds own figure rose up before you, and despite the darkness you could feel how close he was, the warmth radiating from his body. "Get dressed. I'll be waiting outside."

And with that he ducked back out the tent flap leaving you to scramble in the dark. You somewhat cursed yourself for moving so quick and not hesitating a second to try and figure out what he wanted, all you knew was that it was the first time you had seen him in days. . . And despite everything, you had missed him.

Choosing to forego the dress you had been trapped in earlier, you pulled out your training gambeson, welcoming the warm thick material that now padded your body. With boots laced tightly and you cloak snapped into place with your hood pulled over your head tightly, you rushed out into the dark.

Aemond stood tucked against the side of your tent, hood pulled over his eyes as he tried to avoid the gazes of any guards that were wandering about.

"Would you like to explain why you scared the seven hells out of me like that?" Whispering strictly as you came up besides him.

Opening his mouth to speak, Aemond was cut short as two guards passed by, making him quickly reach out to pull you against him and further into the shadows, his free hand going up to press his pointer finger to your lips.

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