Chapter 4

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As the next couple of days went on, you often felt Aemonds eye on you whenever you were in the same room or walking the hallways of The Keep. You didn't let it get to you though, if anything it was only slightly annoying- like a gnat flying around you.

Unbeknownst to you, Aemond watched you more than you thought. Despite you trying to be plain and uninteresting as possible- you were terrible at it. . .at least in his eye.

Just the other night at dinner he had watched you walk past after pouring a glass of wine for Rhaenyra and casually caught a stray goblet that had been knocked off the table while Aegon was throwing his hands around talking about some stupid story of his. You hadn't even turned or stopped it your tracks to do so. You simply rotated your wrist and caught it in your palm before setting it back on the table. It was so simple and subtle than no one had even seen it happen.

Except Aemond.

Besides that, the most intriguing part was that you never looked at him. You simply acted as if he did not exist. Which was odd to him- especially when he was a prince walking around with one eye and a massive scar running down his face. He always caught the attention of others, even without meaning to. He had lost count the amount of times handmaids and servants tried to duck under his gaze on the daily.

In other words; you weren't afraid of him. Which intrigued him all the more.

So that's how he found himself leaning against the wall just beyond the lower guest quarters. It was late, everyone in the Keep asleep besides several servants walking about and finishing up their duties for the evening. He knew you were still up, because you had yet to walk down the stairs leading up to the Princesses room- undoubtedly busy helping her get ready for bed.

But a few moments later, the sound of soft steps could be heard coming down the stone steps towards him. He leaned back against the wall once more, arms folded as he ducked his head.

"It's a little late to be wandering about don't you think?" He spoke up, watching as you halted in your tracks- barely past him. There was a pause before you turned to look at him.

"I go where I'm needed. The Princess needed help with a few things before bed."

Pushing off the wall, Aemond strode towards you, arms folded neatly behind his back. "I've been watching you."

"I know you have. It's quite bothersome if I'm being quite honest. Like a fly I can't seem to get rid of." You admitted, meeting his gaze for the first time in days.

It was quite humor-some with how each of the three times you had shortly spoken to him you managed to get under his skin. It was almost too easy. And you knew that because of how his jaw twitched at your words.

You weren't even surprised when he let out a low growl and suddenly pushed you into the wall behind you, pinning his forearm against your collarbone.

"You think you're funny don't you? I should have your head for how you speak to me."

"I doubt your mother The Queen would be pleased to see that's how you treat ladies." You spoke casually, clearly not phased by his sudden action.

You watched the muscle in his jaw twitch again.

"Who are you?" Aemond lowered his voice to slightly above a whisper, leaning into the point you could feel his breath upon your face.

"Y/N. And I'm just a handmaiden. Nothing more."

"Lies. You are hooked to my half sisters side like a leech to skin." He hissed. "And don't think I haven't noticed how she has you placed in the guest chambers instead of in the servants quarters, or how you don't wear the traditional servant clothing." His free hand going to pull slightly at the billowy sleeve of your dress.

"For as long as I have been in her service, the Princess has treated me as if I were her own blood. Other than that, there is nothing special about me." You explained, your fingers curling around the forearm pressed to your chest.

It was easy to get out of his hold. Quickly sweeping your leg forward you hooked it around his ankle, pulling him slightly off balance but giving you enough to slip out from under his forearm, twist his wrist and pin it behind his back.

"You should also know it's rude to touch a lady without her permission." You finished, pushing him away from you and watching as he stumbled a few steps, trying to regain balance.

"Why you-"

"Goodnight Prince Aemond. It was lovely to finally get acquainted with you." With a soft curtsy, you gave him a soft smirk before disappearing down the hall.

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