Chapter 2

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"You shouldn't have done that."

"Oh and what was a supposed to do? Let the sword hit us?" You questioned, as the three of you took quick steps through the hallways of the Red Keep, heading back towards the guest quarters and away from the potential drama you may have caused.

"Of course not, we could have ducked."

"No offense but I don't think you two would have been quick enough."

"I thought it was amazing. Jace did you see the look on Aemonds face when she caught it?" Luke questioned, tugging on his brothers cloak in an attempt to slow him down. "He looked so startled."

"That's not a good enough reason to let it slide." Jace sighed, the three of you taking the stairs two at a time as he did. "Y/N, you know what our mother said. While we are here you have to lay low, act like a regular Lady."

"And I will ask it again. Did you want me to just allow that sword to take off my ear?"

Falling quiet you slowed your steps to take a breath, deep down you knew Jacaerys was right.

Ever since you had been ten and one you had not been raised in the traditional ways of a lady. Your late father had loved you dearly and instead of sending you off into the harsh world alone, he taught you how to protect yourself- despite your mothers wishes. But because of him you had gotten this far in life, and you intended to go much further.

And when you stepped foot on the docks of Dragonstone prepared to be a simple handmaiden in the castle, Daemon Targaryen had bore witness to what your father had taught you as you had thrown a fully grown boat captain over your shoulder when he had gotten to handsy.

And that was the moment an absurd yet brilliant idea was born. You were to be Rhaenyras handmaiden but also a act as a shield and sword hidden in plain sight when Daemon or any others were not around.

A sworn protector hidden right at her side.

And now here you were.

You hadn't wanted to leave the Princesses side earlier, but an order was an order and you had to continue to play your roll to perfection.

Luke and Jace continued to escort you back to your quarters in silence until you reached the massive oak door.

"We won't tell Mother. And I doubt Aemond will either. He doesn't like people knowing he can be caught off guard." Jace stated, opening the door for you as he did.

"I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about the several other people who also saw that happen. If word gets around it will compromise my position." Letting out a sigh you stepped through the threshold, running your palms down the creases in your dress. "You were right, I should not have done that, we probably could have ducked."

"Don't worry Y/N. I'm sure everyone will forget about it by morning." Luke added, giving you a reassured smile.

It was not forgotten about the next morning long story short.

You were halfway through breakfast in your quarters when Princess Rhaenyra walked in, sending you out your chair so quick one would have thought it had been lit aflame.

"Princess, forgive me. I did not know I was needed yet."

"Please, no need to get up for me. At least not right now." Rhaenyra smiled, crossing the room as she did before lowering herself into the chair across from you.

"I'm glad they accepted my request to have your quarters below mine, despite how you should be in the servants quarters."

"I'm very thankful. You did not have to."

"You're right, but I like having you nearby. I know Daemon appreciates it as well, especially when he's not around." She explained, folding her hands over the wood of the table that divided you.

"Luke and Jace told me what happened." She added, watching your face carefully.

"I'm so sorry Princess, it won't happen again. I was simply-"

"Reacting as one would if a sword was coming at them. You were simply protecting yourself. It was instinct" Rhaenyra explained softly, reaching across the table to grasp your hands. "Though I doubt any of those men have the reflexes you do."

"So I'm not in trouble?"

"Of course not my dear. And don't worry about gossip going around. Men are not known for going around talking about women they might see as a threat. It would only make them look weak in eyes of others."

At her words you cracked a smile, squeezing her hand slightly as you did. "Thank you Princess."

"You are welcome." She nodded before standing up, "now get dressed, we have a busy day ahead of us and I need my handmaiden at my side." And with a sly wink she turned and departed leaving you to your breakfast

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